Chapter 22

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For a while I stayed in Jaden's arms. My head laid on his shoulder as he held me tightly. "Can we go chicken fighting" Noen said. We all laughed but agreed. I got into Jaden's shoulders and Noen got onto Griffins. I was laughing the entire time, but I managed to push Noen off. Next was Josh and Nessa. I thought it was so cute how much he liked her. They were easy to beat. Eventually we went through everyone and beat everyone. I got off of Jaden's shoulders and got out of the pool. "Where are you going?!" He whined. "To tan, like I was going to in the first place" I giggled. He frowned. "Can you put sunscreen on my back?" I asked him. He smiled and got out. I giggled. I laid on my back and he began putting it on me. He lent over and kissed my neck. I smiled. He kissed it again, and again. "Ok we get it! You love her" Anthony said laughing. Everyone laughed. He finished putting on me then jumped back in the pool. I sunbaked for about an hour before everyone wanted to go back upstairs. "Well I guess I'll see you guys another time" Nessa said grabbing all of her things. Both her and josh looked sad. "Huh? What do you mean?" I asked her. "I'm going home" she said. "Why?" I asked. "Cause you guys are leaving" she giggled. "No come with us" I said laughing but still confused why josh didn't ask her too. "Really?" She said excitedly. "You guys wouldn't mind?!" Josh said also very excitedly. "No of course not" I said. They both smiled at one another and then they both started blushing. "You two are too cute" I said.

We all went back up to the hotel room and got changed. I put on one of Jaden's hoodies and a pair of Nike pros. We all gathered in Cynthia, Chris, Madi and Griffins room because it was the biggest. We brought all the pillows in from the other rooms and put them all over the ground. "Okie dokie what are we going to watch?" Amelie said with the remote in her hand scrolling through netlflix. "NOT A FREAKING HORROR" I screamed. They all scared laughing. I giggled too. They picked a Frozen 2. I was so excited because I hadn't seen it yet. We got to the part where Olaf died. I started balling, as well as majority of the other girls. "Aww princess don't cry" Jaden said hugging me.

The movie eventually finished. "What now?" Avani said and we all giggled. "How about we get to know Nessa?" Her eyes went wide. I giggled. "Yeah!" Josh said. She shook her head. "What?" I giggled. "Don't put me under the sport light" she said quietly. I laughed. "Ok do you guys want to play a game?" I asked. "Sure" everyone agreed. "What game? Griffin asked. "What about truth or dare?" Payton asked. Everyone agreed once again.

Half way through the game I got a phone call. "Hey dad" everyone went quiet. "Are you alone?" He asked. He sounded nervous. I looked over. "Yeah" I said. I trusted them. "What's going on?" I asked. "Liv, your mom.." he said. "Why are you bringing her up" I said sternly. "Baby, your mom passed away" I went silent. "What?" "She overdosed, oh heroine" "oh.." I said quietly. I didn't really know how to feel. My mom left us when I was 11. We'll actually 10. She left the day before my 11th birthday. I hated her ever since she left us, but she's still my mom right. "Are you okay sweetie?" My dad asked. Jaden looked worried and he put his hand on my thigh. "Uh, yeah I think so" "I'm so sorry hunny. Your grandma would like you to call her" "Uh yeah okay, I'll talk to you later okay?" "Okay sweetie, have fun" he said and hung up. I pulled the phone away from my ear and looked at it. "What happened?" Jaden asked. "Uh, I'll be back" I said. I got up and walked outside leaving everyone confused. I called my grandma straight away. "Nana?" I said. I could tell she was heart broken immediately. "Hi hunny" she said. "I'm so sorry Nana" I continued. "It's not your fault hunny." She said. I sighed. "Look hunny, I know she wasn't a great person always, but she did love you" I scoffed. "No she didn't" I said. I felt bad, but I knew it wasn't true. If it was then why the hell would she leave me. "I promise you she did. She was heavily addicted and knew she was just going to make life harder on you and your father" "so why didn't she get help then. She didn't have to leave me. Do you know what it's like growing up without a mother?! Every girl needs her mother" I said emphasising the word needs. A tear fell "I know, and I'm sorry she left you." "No I'm sorry nana. This isn't your fault." I was grateful that my grandparents stayed in my life. I barely get to see them but I know they are there. "Are you okay?" She asked. "I honestly don't know how to feel." I said. "That's understandable. Look your pop and I are organising her funeral. It will be in about 2 weeks in Salt Lake. I'd really like it if you could join us." "Yeah I'll just have to talk to dad about getting a flight" "a flight?" She asked confused. "Yeah, we are moving to LA. Dad met someone" I said. "Oh, well that's lovely hunny. Tell him I'm happy for him okay love" "okay nana." "Ok sweetie I'll let you go now" "okay hun, I'll see you in a few weeks then" she continued. "Okay nana love you" "love you too sweetie" I hung up.

I took a few deep breaths and went back inside. "What happened bub are you okay?" She asked as the tear had drawn mascara down my cheek. I nodded. "Yeah I think I am." I said and went and sat back down. "What happened?" Jay asked with a concerted look on his face. "Yeah um" I coughed. "My mom passed away" I said looking up at him. Everyone went silent. I knew they all had a sorrow look on their faces. "Liv, I'm-" I cut him off. "No it's okay." "Are you sure you're okay? That's your mom liv" Josh said concerned. "Yeah, she hasn't been around since I was 10" I said. They all went silent again. My mom is the one thing I don't like to tell people about. So none of them actually knew why I only lived with my dad.

It had been about an hour now and it was 4:30pm. "Ok princess, we didn't finish our date night. Put on something fancy" he said smiling. I smiled. I stood up. "You coming girls?" I asked. All of the girls excitedly to help but Nessa. "Ness you coming?" I asked. "Oh, I didn't think you would want me there" she said quietly. She was a really shy girl. "Yeah of course I do. You're a part of us now" she smiled widely. Josh kisses her cheek and she stood up and followed us. The girls helped me get ready. Cynthia chose my outfit, Avani did my makeup. Amelie chose my accessories, Madi chose my shoes and Nessa did my hair. "Thank you guys, for everything" I said. They were all smiling huge. "Thank you for letting us help you on this special night." Madi said. "Madi!" Amelie hit her playfully in the arm. "What do you mean special? We are just going on a date" I said confused. "Nothing just go have fun pretty" Avani said. Now I'm confused. They have definitely been conspiring something.

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