Chapter 5

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I woke up the next day, it was Saturday and got changed into this.

After getting myself ready for the day I grabbed my phone and texted the group chat

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After getting myself ready for the day I grabbed my phone and texted the group chat.

y/n: hey you guys. I'm really sorry that I've been ignoring you. And I'm sorry for overreacting. It's not a big deal and I definitely don't think any different of you guys, I was just hurt that you didn't tell me. I love you guys 💗

Pretty much instantly I got messages back.

Griff😄: omg thank god, I'm sorry
Ant🐜: thank you, we love you
                                             y/n: I love you guys too!
Jaden🥰: omg you're okay! Thank god I though that you were dead. Thank you so much for not changing your opinion of us. I love you so much 💗💗
                                            y/n: love you too Jay 💗
Pay😇: I love u y/n... but why does he get a nickname?
Jaden🥰: cause I'm her favourite
Chase😕: nah me
Avani💖: Boi you're tripping.
                                      y/n: I don't have favourites...
Griff😄: you are a liar

After a while we were just talking about regular stuff, chatting away making each other laugh. We soon decided to FaceTime, me forgetting that I had a mark on my face from where Elijah hit me. I answered, "hi my babies". Jay smiled, "hi gorgeous" I began blushing until Griffin spoke up. "What's on your face y/n?" My smile turned into shock. Shit I'm an idiot! "Oh it's nothing" I say with a shaky voice looking at Avani for help. "She fell" she said laughing trying to play it cool. "Ya I fell and smacked my face on the floor" chase then said "I wish I could have seen that" he said laughing. "Why do you hate me Chase?" I said sternly. He was shocked and didn't know what to say. "No seriously, what did I ever do to you." Everyone went silent but chase. " what makes you think I hate you" " what do you mean?! You are constantly rude to me, saying snarky comments, laughing at me for something you know nothing about and just being an asshole!" I said angrily. Everyone was shocked. "What do you mean I know nothing about? You said you fell over." Shit. "Yeah.. I did. But still" he was confused. "I don't hate you y/n. I couldn't hate you. It's just, idk it's how I communicate. I'm sorry if that makes you upset. "It's not though, you aren't rude to anyone else." I snarl knowing I was right. "I just don't know you enough yet okay, I'm sorry." I sat back in my chair. "Ok" I said bluntly. Everyone was quiet for a minute. "So you guys wanna play a game?" Anthony said trying to break the awkward silence. "Sure yeah let's play a game" Pay continued. "What do you wanna play?" Griffin continued. "How about truth or dare?"  Chase asked. Everyone nodded and Avani began. "Anthony, truth or dare?" "Dare" "I dare you to confess your feelings to the person you like" he gulped. "Okay... Avani" her eyes widened "I like you" "I like you too Ant" everyone smiled and cheered. We played a few rounds until everyone was getting tired. I yawned and went out of the screen. Jaden said "why did you go out of the screen?" I replied laughing "cause I look ugly when I yawn"  "you could never be ugly" he said as I started blushing. Everyone awwww. I giggled. "I really wanna meet you guys" I pouted. "We wanna meet you too princess" jay answered. Princess? Jesus I fell harder for that boy. "What city do you live in?" Griffin asked. "Salt Lake" I replied. Their eyes got wider and they smiled. "What?" I asked. "We are going to Salt Lake for tour!" Anthony said. Tour? What tour? "Tour?" "It's called lights out. We are travelling around the US to meet our fans." Avani said. That's so cool. "Wow, for how long?" "2 months" Payton replies. 2 months? "I'd love to come see you guys, but" before I could finish Jaden said "but what?" His face lost it's smile. "There is no way I can afford to come." Jaden looked at me funny. "You don't have to pay silly. I'll send you tickets, bring a friend." I smiled so big. "I love you jay!!!" I said loudly. "All of you" " we love you too" they said in sinc. We all laughed. "When is it?" " we start next week, and are in Salt Lake next Friday" Avani said smiling. "Wait... I get to meet you guys next Friday?!" They all nodded "I COULD CRY OMG IM SO HAPPY" I said yelling as they all laughed at me "I can't wait" I said looking at Jay. God. I will finally get to hug him. "How long are you guys in Salt Lake for?" "Only 3 days" my smile disappears. "Oh" so did theirs. "That's okay, we will just make the most of it, and we'll see each other again soon" Jaden said trying to make the situation better. I nodded. We all decided that we should go to bed. I said goodnight and turned my phone off. As I was lying there with a million thoughts running through my brain, the only thing I could think about was how I'm finally going to meet them. Jaden.

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