I HAVE A NEW STORY!! please read ! x
who knew that being added into a random group chat would be the best thing that would ever happened to you.
Today is the day I leave. Last night Am and I were were up all night, crying, laughing, just remembering all of our memories. I honestly don't know what I'm going to do without her.
I wake up to the bright light of the sun shining down on my face. I sigh. "Morning" Amelie says as she is laying on her phone. "Morning" I say quietly. She puts her phone down and looks at me and I look at her. "You're gonna visit right?" I ask her. "Duh, and you're gonna come visit here" I nod. "Well I mean Payton lives in LA too so that's more of a reason for me to come" she said. "Oh yeah, hopefully I'll see them then" I said smiling. I then got a call from Jaden. "Good morning" I say yawning. "HI, OH MY GOD LIV YOU WONT BELIEVE IT" he screams into me ear. "Jesus calm down its too early for this" I say giggling. "Sorry sorry. Okay so you know how Payton moves into a house" he said. "Yeah..?" "Well we are all moving there. Like Griffin, Josh, Me and two other of our guy friends. I'm not going to be in Texas anymore princess" I sat up. "Please tell me this isn't a prank!" I said excitedly. "It's not I swear! I mean we won't be neighbours or anything but we will be so much closer!" He says excitedly. "Oh my god!!" I say screaming. Amelie looks at me confused. "Jaden, Payton, Griffin and Josh are going to be in LA! They moved!" I said excitedly. She gasped "Oh my god no way!" She said. "That's awesome" she said getting a little quieter. I sat back beside her. "You can come visit all the time, and I'll come back here and so will Pay. We won't see each other everyday but we will FaceTime and text" I say trying to not make her sad. "It's not the same Liv" she said looking down. "Jay I'll talk to you on the plane okay?" He agreed and I hung up. I give Amelie a huge hug. "I know Am, but we will work it out okay?" She nods.
We both get up and get ready for the day. I put on this outfit.
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We chill out for the next few hours until my dad walked in. "We have to leave in 10 minutes Liv" my dad said quietly. I look at Amelie with sadness in my eyes. As much as I was devastated that I was about to leave my best friend, I felt, guilty. Leaving her here, on her own. Tears were brought to both of our eyes. "I'm sorry girls" he said quietly as he left me room. "I'm going to miss you so much Liv" Amelie said in the middle of her tears "I'm going to miss you too Am" I said as my voice broke in between my words.
We sat there hugging until it was time. "Liv" I heard my dad say from downstairs. I squeezed Amelie a bit tighter at that moment. We both wondered downstairs crying. My dad and I were flying because whilst we were of tour he drove our car there so we didn't have to bother. The uber pulled up in front of our house. I looked at Amelie. "I guess this is it then huh" I said as a tear fell from my blood shot eyes. "I guess so" she said looking at me crying. She pulled me into a hug so tightly. "Don't forget about me okay?" "I could never forget about you Amelie" I said tightening the hug. "We have to go liv" my dad said quietly. Am and I pull apart. "Call me as soon as you land okay?" "Promise" I continue. I get into the uber and winded the window down. I wave as we begin to drive off.
Dad and I have been on the plane for about an hour now. We are both listening to my music because they don't have tvs on the plane. We are in the middle of listening to Let Me Down Slowly by Alec Benjamin when my phone starts ringing.
My Boy🥺💗 Answer Decline
I look at my dad and he smiles. He presses answer. "Dad!" I giggle. "Hi princess" Jaden says sweetly. "Hi Jay" I reply giggling. "Why are you giggling?" He asks giggling. "My dad's listening" I say. "Oh, hello Mr Davis" he said cutely. "Hello Jaden" my dad replied. "Hold on let me FaceTime you" I said. I quickly changed it to FaceTime. Jaden answered and smiled widely. "Why are you smiling?" I said giggling. "I'm just happy to see your beautiful face" he said sweetly which made me blush. "Okay okay stop flirting" my dad said giggling. Jaden started blushing too. "I'm sorry Mr Davis" he said. "Jaden, please call me Marcus" he said smiling. "Okay, Marcus" he said.
Jaden and I talked until we landed. "Okay jay I have to go, but I'll talk to you later okay?" I said smiling. "Okay princess, I love you" "I love you too Jay" I said smiling then hung up. "Love?" My dad asked. "Love" I said smiling. He smiled too.
We finally got our bags and got an uber to Joanne's house. We arrived and dad looked nervous. "You okay?" I asked. "Yeah, I just hope you like her" he said sighing. "I'm sure I'll love her dad" I said. We got out and knocked on the door. Almost instantly the door swung open to a short red headed woman with a huge smile on her face. "Marcus!" She said giving him a hug. I smiled as he hugged her back. She pulled away and looked at me. "You must be Olivia" she said giving me a huge hug. I giggled and hugged her back. "You are beautiful!" She said looking at me. "Aww thank you Joanne!" I said smiling. "Please call me Jo, or whatever, call me whatever you want" she said giggling, also very nervous. "Kids!" She yelled. I hear footsteps come down the staircase. "Hi!" I hear a girl say. "Hello" I said smiling. "I'm Faith!" She said hugging me. "Olivia" I said hugging her back. I hear another pair of foot steps coming down the stairs. "And I'm-" we both look at each other. "PAYTON?!" I yell. A huge smile is placed on my face as he runs out to me and engulfs me in a huge hug lifting me off the ground. "LIV WHAT THE HELL" he said. Everyone was giggling. "You two know each other?" My dad questioned. "Yes dad it's Payton. My best friend. Amelies boyfriend!" I said pulling away. "Oh. Oh my!" He said. He hugged me again. "Oh my god Am is going to freak" he said. "I know this is amazing!" I said with the biggest smile planted across my face. Maybe this won't be so bad after all. __________________________________ Authors note: I hope you guys are staying safe omg! If anyone need anything lmk. Thank you guys so much for 55k I actually can't believe it! thank you so much. If you guys have any suggestions let me know and I'll see what I can do. I have an idea for another book but idk if I wanna start the other one and keep doing this one or focus on finishing this one first and then do the new one. What do you guys think? Please stay safe I love you all. Once again sorry for the self promo, but if ya wanna follow my TikTok is @_mclovinmaya and so is my insta ❤️