Chapter 19

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It has been about 2 weeks and not much has happened. Josh and I have gotten closer but I still am not sure where my heart is at. We are currently in Mississippi and we have a show later on today. Amelie and I are now included in everything because the fans were asking us too. "Amelie, Payton get up we gotta go in an hour!" I said jumping on them. "Get offffff" Amelie whined and I giggled. I got off of them and went and got changed into this:

 I got off of them and went and got changed into this:

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I curl my hair and put some makeup on. By the time I had finished we had 5 minutes until we had to leave. I hadn't posted of Instagram in a few days so I thought I should do that. I didn't really feel like taking a photo so I just got one that I already had.


@_oliviadavis: all this travelling is horrible, but you guys are worth it

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@_oliviadavis: all this travelling is horrible, but you guys are worth it.

@avani: how are you always so perfect?!
      - I love you so much Vani 💗

@amelieoldfield: best friend I-
     - I adore you 🥺

@jadenhossler: true that princess
     - I'm so tired 😂😪

@joshrichards: liv 😍
     - love you Joshy

@noeneubanks: BESTIE
     - BESTIE 💗

@hater1: she deserves to get raped.

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We all head down to the venue and stand at our designated spots waiting for the fans to start piling in. After about 30 minutes one girl comes over and gives me a hug. She was so pretty! And super shy. "Hi! What's your name?" I asked her. "Nessa" she smiled. "It's so nice to meet you!" I exclaimed. "You too. You're so pretty it's unfair" "are you kidding me Nessa? You're stunning!" She smiles and gives me another hug. We snapped a photo and I said thank you. She walked over to josh and he was BLUSHING. So was she. "Hi gorgeous" he said and hugged her. I thought I'd be jealous, but I wasn't. I actually smiled. After the meet and greet we had our 10 minute break. Josh was sitting on his phone in the break room and I go and sit next to him. "Who ya textinggg?" I asked him. "Uh no one" he said. I giggled. "Did you get her number?" "Who's?" "Nessa's" he started blushing. "I'm sorry liv" "it's fine seriously" "I feel bad" "Josh it's okay! You two would be really cute together" I smiled. After our break, we all went back out and went backstage. 2 minutes later we all went up on stage and sat among the couches. We had a q&a. One fan asked, "liv are you and josh dating?" "No no we are just friends" I saw Nessa and winked at her. She smiled. The q&a went for about 15 minutes then Jaden started to sing. I was admiring him. His voice, his face, his body. Everything. I'm still in love with Jaden Hossler. What do I do?! After an hour the show had finished. Everyone had left and we were on our way back to the hotel when my phone buzzed. Daddy 💗 is calling...
I answered.
"Hi baby" he said. "Hi dad! How are you?" "Good good. I miss you baby" "I miss you too daddy" I say. "I need to tell you something" he voice turned from happy, to serious. "Okay?" I said concerned. "When you get back from tour, we are moving." He said. "W-what?" It was silent for a couple of seconds. "Why?" I asked. "I met someone" he exclaimed. "Oh.." it's been just my dad and I since my mom left us. That's all I've really ever known. "Who?" I asked. "Her name is Joanne." "Okay... and where does she live?" "LA." He said. "L.A.? You said you never wanted to move there" I said. "I know but I love her and I think it would help with your career" "but what about school? My friends?" "Well you can just change schools and for your friends I'm really sorry. They can always come visit." A tear fell. "Okay." "I'm sorry baby but I think you'll love it out there" "I'm sure I will. I have to go now" "ok baby I'll see you in 2 weeks" "bye dad" I said and hung up. Amelie looked at me. "I'm moving" I said. "What?" She said.
Authors Note: omg THANK YOU FOR 16k READS THAT IS INSANE OMG!! I really hope you guys are liking this story. I hope everyone is doing ok with what is going on in the world right now, stay safe and wash your hands. 💗💗

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