I HAVE A NEW STORY!! please read ! x
who knew that being added into a random group chat would be the best thing that would ever happened to you.
I opened my eyes to the bright rays of the sun shining through the window onto my face. I tried to move but I felt a heavy grip around my waist. I smile and turn over. I place my hand on his cheek and kiss his nose. His beautiful eyes flutter open as he pulls me tighter towards him. "Goodnight princess" he said hiding his face into my neck as the sun was too bright. I kissed his head. "Good morning jay" I smiled. We just laid there for a few minutes. "What are we going to do today princess?" "Anything you want to Jay" he pulled away. "Can we please go on a date, I want to take you out, make you feel amazing. Make today special" I grinned at how cute he was. "Sounds amazing" I say. He smiled widely and kissed me then got up. I giggled at how excited he was. He was like a child who found out they were going to Disneyland. I laid in bed admiring him as he got dressed. He went into the bathroom and started doing his hair. I still just load there smiling at him. He turned and faced me and smiled. "What are you looking at dork" he said giggling. "You" I smiled. He just giggled and I got up and walked into the bathroom. I propped myself up into the counter and sat there once again admiring Jaden. "How did I get so lucky" I said quietly, but loud enough for him to hear. He smiled and stood in between my legs. I threw my arms over his shoulders and ran one of my hands through his curls. "No, I got lucky" he said and kissed my lips. I smiled into the kiss as he deepened it. "Woah keep it PG" Noen said walking into the bathroom. We both giggled and pulled away. I could feel my cheeks burning up. "Aww are you embarrassed princess" jay said and I hid my face in his shoulder. "Can you guys leave I need to shower" Noen said giggling. Jaden picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his torso. He laid me of the bed softly and leaned over me. He kissed my lips one last time then stood up. I poured. "What?" He asked. I puckered my lips. "Oh my god" he said laughing and pecked my lips again. We exchanged spots. I began undressing myself so I could change. "What type of outfit should I wear" I said standing in only a bra and underwear. "Anything your heart desires princess" he said smiling looking at me. "What?" I said giggling. "You're so beautiful" he said not taking his eyes off of me. "I love you" I said with a huge grin on my face.
I couldn't decide what I wanted to wear. I was standing their for 5 minutes trying to decide. "Hurryyyy" he said. "I can't pick" I said whining. "Can I?" He asked. "Yes!" I smiled. He chose this.
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I got dressed and looked in the mirror. "Good choice Bebe" I said and pecked his lips. "What are we doing first my love" I said sitting beside him. "Breakfast" he said. He stood up and placed his hand out for me to take. I smiled and took it. "We will be back later okay Noen" jay said. "Okay bye" he said as we walked out the door. "Just you and me today okay?" I nodded and smiled.
25 minutes later Jaden and I arrive at a tiny little cafe hidden in a alley. It was a vintage, boho style and it was just adorable! "How did you find this place?" I said in amazement. "Google knows a lot" he said giggling. We sat down and ordered. I got avocado toast with a poached egg and a fruit smoothie. I know I'm basic. We ate our food and it was delicious. We sat there talking for a while afterwards.
We decided that we wanted to go on a hike. We went back home and got into "hiking" clothes and left again. The drive was beautiful. We were in the car, singing to our favourite songs, Jaden's hand was placed on my thigh and we were just living our best lives. We eventually arrived and began our hike up. It was absolutely beautiful, and it wasn't that hot so we got pretty lucky. We finally got there and we began walking. Jaden interlocked his fingers within mine. I smiled at him and we kept walking.
After about an hour hike we arrived at the top. We were overlooking the beautiful city of New York. "This is beautiful" I said in amazement. "You're beautiful" is smiled and turned to Jaden. He kissed me and I kissed back then turned back to witness the view once more. We spent about 30 minutes up there before wondering back down the mountain. Eventually we arrived back at the car and began driving home. "Ugh I'm so sweaty" I said. "I know same" Jaden said wiping his face with his shirt. As he lifted it his bare stomach showed. His abs where just, ugh amazing. I turned my head away as I was blushing. "We should go in the pool when we get back" jay said. "Ooo yes!" I said.
30 minutes later we arrived back at the hotel. We went upstairs and I got changed into my bikini.
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I grabbed 2 towels and then sat on the bed and waited for Jaden. He came in from the bathroom, "you ready princess?" He asked and I nodded. We made our way down to the pool where most of the crew already were. I noticed that Josh was sitting with a girl. Oh my god. "Nessa?" I asked and she turned. "Oh my gosh hi Liv!" She said all excited. She came over and gave me a hug. "What are you doing here?" I asked as we pulled away. "Josh invited me" she said as I looked behind her and josh was blushing. I giggled. "Did he now?" I said. She giggled and started blushing. "Well I'm glad your here" I said. "I am too" she said. "Come onnn bebeeee" Jaden said pulling me away. I giggled. "I'll talk to you later?" I said. "Yeah of course!" She said politely and walked back to Josh. Jaden pulled me over to the pool. "No no I wanna tan" I said trying to pull the opposite way. "No your coming in" he said pulling my harder. "Nooooo!! Jaden I swear to god!" I scream as everyone's laughing. In fact half of them were filming. "No! JADEN HOSSLER I SWEAR!" I screamed as he picked me up and and jumped into the pool. I swam up to the top. "Jaden! I didn't want to get my hair wet I hate you!" I said pushing him in the chest angrily. "Oo you sexy when you angry" he said biting his lip coming closer to me. "I'm serious Jaden" I said crossing my arms. "Oh come on princess you don't actually hate me, do you?" He said picking me up. I wrap my legs around his torso and my arms around his neck. "I guess not" I said still mad. "Come on smileeee" he said moving his head closer to mine. "No I'm mad at you" I said trying not to smile. "Come onnn" he said placing his forehead on mine. I smiled. I couldn't help it he's so adorable. "There you go." He said giggling as he kissed my forehead.