I HAVE A NEW STORY!! please read ! x
who knew that being added into a random group chat would be the best thing that would ever happened to you.
About an hour after we decided to go and get dinner at my favourite Italian restaurant. I sat beside Jaden, and began looking at the menu. "What do you guys wanna do after this?" Avani questioned. Everyone shrugged and looked at Amelie and me. I looked at her, then back at everyone. "How about we just go back to the hotel and hang out with each other. I just want to spend every last minute with you guys" they all smiled subtlety and nodded. Jaden smiled at me. "What?" I said confused. "You're so pretty" he said quietly, which made me blush. He put his hand on my thigh and kissed my cheek. I continued to look through the menu, then the waitress came to ask for our orders. She kept looking at Jaden and he smiled at her, which made me kinda jealous. As she collected our menus, she placed a piece of paper in front of him. She smiled down at him as he took his hand off the thigh and opened it. Inside read, "hey cutie, call me 555-731-249 ;)" he smiled at it and put it in his pocket, which again made me jealous. Wait...he doesn't like me does he.. my thoughts were controlling my mind. A tear fell from my left eye. "Liv...Olivia" Jaden said snapping me out of my thoughts. "Huh?" I said looking at him with my blurry eyes. I quickly turn away whipping my face. "What's wrong?" He said putting his hand on my thigh, and with his other trying to turn my head to face him. I got up quickly removing both of his hands. "Uh can I please be excused" I said removing myself from the table and going towards the bathroom. I ran into a stall and locked it shut. Another few tears forming had quickly escaped within years eyes. I curl into a ball on the floor, and once again letting my thoughts take over my body. I hear the door open then a slight knock on the stall. "Liv are you okay?". Avani said quietly. I didn't answer, "Liv can you please open the door" she said again. I unlocked the door then returned to my position. She fell to my side, embracing me in a hug. I felt another tear flood my face. "What's going on? What happened out there?" I just looked at her in the eyes and said, "i just fell for another guy who can't do the same." I said as my tears blurred my vision. "Are you kidding?! I have never seen Jaden like a girl so much" she said. "Then why did he smile and take the girls number?" I said looking at the floor. "He probably just didn't wanna be rude" she said. "I promise you, he wouldn't hurt you, Jaden isn't that sort of guy" she said. "Don't make promises you can't keep" I said quietly with my voice breaking slightly. "I can keep it. I've known Jaden for so long and I know he's never intentionally hurt you" I nodded and hugged her. I heard the door open again, and I looked up and saw Jaden. "Liv what's wrong? Why are you crying" he said coming down to my level. I let go from Avani and I'd hug and said, "you can't be in here Jaden" "I don't care right now, if you are hurting I am going to here for you no matter" he said looking at me dead in the eyes. "I told you" Avani said. "Told her what? Wait are you crying because of me? What did I do I'm so sorry for whatever I did" he said frantically. I smiled at the fact that he genuinely cared. "It's just, that girl..." He cut me off so I couldn't finish, "no no liv I just didn't want to be rude" he said grabbing my hand. Avani got up and said "I'll leave you two" and then walked out. He sat beside me, still holding my hand. "I'm sorry that you thought it meant anything else. I like you a lot" my eyes widened. "You like me?" I said with shock in my voice. "Yes Olivia I do I thought it was obvious" he said slightly laughing. "I mean, I like you too a lot, I just never thought a guy like you could ever like someone like me." "What are you talking about?! You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen! You have the most amazing personality and the most beautiful eyes, you laugh is adorable and you are just perfect. I adore you liv" I was blushing so much at that point. "I just... I-" he cut me off with his lips. I closed my eyes and turned so I was in front of him. He pulled my onto his lap, deepening the kiss. I wrap my arms around his neck and he places his on my waist. We pulled away, leaving our foreheads placed upon each other's as we look into one another's eyes. I pecked his lips one more time and then blushed. "You are so cute" he said giggling. He stood up, placing his hand out for me to grab ahold of. I held it and stood up. We walked back to the table hand in hand and sat down. "You all good liv?" Noen said sweetly "yeah, I'm perfect." I smiled. Jaden lent over and whispered in my ear, "beyond perfect." Which made me blush. Our food later arrived, and we are. Not too long after we paid for dinner and headed back to the hotel. We got into the elevator and Amelie said, "so what are we doing?" "How about we all go into my room cause it has the most beds and stuff?" Jaden said. We all nodded and headed into his room. "Oh wait I'll be back I'm going to go get changed" I said walking towards the door. "I'm coming" Amelie said leaving Payton's side. We went into our room and got changed. I got into this:
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After we got changed we went back to Jaden's room and knocked on the door. Jaden answered and Amelie walked past. I stood there smiling. "Wow" he said. "What?" I said giggling. He shut the door to where it was almost closed. "You look amazing"he said looking me up and down. "Okay buddy it's only pajamas" I said giggling. "But still" he said continuing to look at me, biting his lip. "Jay stop" I said looking down blushing. He lifted my chin and kissed me. He pulled away, grabbed my hand and walked me inside. He laid on one side of his bed, as I laid on the other. They already had put a movie on. I look around and saw Avani and Ant cuddling on one bed, Payton and Amelie cuddling on the other, and then Madi and Chris on the floor cuddling, along with everyone else. (I know madi wasn't on tour but shhh) I then looked over at Jaden, his eyes were stuck on the TV. I smiled then looked at the TV. They had a horror on. "What is with you guys an horror movies?!" I wined. They all laughed. The music was getting louder and louder then BAM! They shove some ugly ass person in front of the screen causing to me scream. Everyone laughed at me. I pouted "Stop laughing at meeee" I said hiding my face. "Come here princess" Jaden said quietly, opening his arms for me to lay in. I crawled over and laid my head on his chest, as my arm laid across his stomach. He wrapped his arm around my waist pulling my closer towards him. I smiled as he kissed my head. He tangled his legs between mine. "Awwwwwwwww" Avani and Ant said at the same time looking over at us. Everyone turned their heads to see us cuddling, they all awed. I dug my face into Jaden's chest blushing uncontrollably. "stop you're embarrassing her" Jaden said. I smiled into his chest. Not long after I fell asleep into his chest. _________________________________ Authors Note: holy- thank you guys so much for 1k reads it means so much to me!! If you have any ideas, or something you want me to add let me know! ❤️