Chapter 8

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It was slowly falling asleep just laying on my bed when Amelie gets up and says "get up Liv! They show starts in 5 minutes" I get up quickly and we run and get down to the lobby. By the time we got out of the hotel, there was 1 minute until the show started. "We aren't going to get a good spot" I said as we were running to the venue. As we finally get there, we are puffing so much. We open the door to go inside and of course, it had already started and we are at the very back. I was so upset. I looked at Amelie and so was she. "I'm sorry am" "it's okay" she said smiling. Everyone began getting on stage. All the girls began screaming and Amelie and I joined. Jaden was looking around and then spots me at the back and smiles. After a while he began to sing. He was holding fans hands and singing to them whilst they were filming, and not going to lie I got a little jealous. I was cheering him on as he sing his song. After he finished he took a sip of water and then the next song began playing. It was 'All of Me' by John Legend. God I loved this song. He began singing and omg he has the voice of an angel. He was looking at me. I began blushing. He was singing to me. Half way through the song he jumped into the audience. Everyone cleared a path for him, he didn't take his eyes off of me. He walked to the back of the crowd until he was standing in front of me. He put out his hand, still looking into my eyes, singing to me. I grabbed his hand as well and Amelie's, and he brought us to the front of the crowd. I was blushing the whole time. He got back up on stage and finished the song. Everyone was screaming, cheering for him as he finished. I was just staring at him, clapping my hands. He smiled at me, then went backstage. Amelie was holding my hand smiling at me. "Omg that was so cute!" She whispered into my ear. I was blushing so hard. "Isn't he the best" I replied. After a 2 hour show I was so tired. Most people left once it had finished but a few people stayed to try and get more photos, and of course so did Am and I. They came out and all the girl ran over hugging them and getting a couple more photos. Am and I just stood by the door waiting for them to leave. Once everyone left I walked over to Jaden as he had his arms out, insisting on a hug. I hugged him so tight. "You did amazing" I said into his neck. "Thank you princess" he said smiling as I pulled away. "You all did amazing. It was so good to meet you all" I said to everyone. They all smiled and replied. Amelie was still standing over by the door on her own. "Am get your but over here" I said giggling. She smiled and walked over. "Oh so your Amelie" Payton said smiling and she nodded. "She's shy" I say and everyone laughed. "That's okay" Payton said smiling and putting his arms out for a hug. She looked at me and smiled whilst walking over and giving him a hug, her cheeks were so red and I just giggled. Jaden whispered to me "What's so funny?" "she has the biggest crush on him" I whispered back and we both giggled. After a while I told them we were going to the hotel and they said they were to. We began walking back together. "Well this is us" Amelie said stopping in for the of our hotel. "No way this is where we are staying too!" Payton said all excited and I just smiled at Amelie. "You knew?!" She said looking at me and I just nodded, giggling at how excited her and Payton were. We got into the elevator and turns out they were on the same floor as us. "What a coincidence" Avani said. The elevator dinged and we walked out. We walked to our door and stopped. As I was putting the key is Cynthia said "omg no way the next 4 rooms are ours!" No way omg. We are next to them too?! "Omg haha that's crazy" I said opening the door" "do you guys wanna come to our room for a bit? We can watch movies or something" Jaden said. "Sure. Just let us get changed?" I said smiling at him "yeah sure" he smiled. We went in our room and I laid on my bed looking at the ceiling smiling. A few seconds later Amelie joins me. "I think I'm in love" she said and I just started laughing, she joined me soon after. We got up and got changed into some comfier clothes.

My outfit

Amelie outfit

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Amelie outfit

After we got changed, we grabbed some snacks that we brought with us and went and knocked on the first door

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After we got changed, we grabbed some snacks that we brought with us and went and knocked on the first door. Avani opened it, revealing everyone inside. "We brought snacks" I say smiling. "I see you" she said giggling looking at us up and down. "They like you too" I laughed. "Very funny" I say quietly. "You think I'm joking?" She questioned. "Yes, obviously" I said laughing as she opened the door wider inviting us in. We walk in and she closes the door. Payton calls Amelie over and she sits next to him. I just kinda stand their awkwardly after putting the snacks on the table. There were 2 queen beds and 1 single. Payton and Amelie were on the single bed, Avani, Anthony and Griffin were on the 1st queen bed, Cynthia, chase and the rest of them were on the floor with blankets and pillows and Jaden was in the second queen bed by himself. For a minute I still stood their awkwardly not knowing where to sit. Jaden looked at me "come here" he said patting next to him on the bed. I went and sat on the bed taking my shoes off, then sitting cross-legged on the bed beside Jaden. I look at him and smile, realise that I'm blushing and look away. He giggled. "What do you guys wanna watch?" Cynthia said scrolling through "I don't mind" I say. "Oo what about a scary movie?" Avani said. "Yes!" Everyone said but me. God I hate scary movies. I think Jaden could tell by the expression on my face. He placed his hand my back and I looked at him. "It'll be okay" he said smiling at me. I laid down beside him and he smiled at me. He then whispers in my ear "you look beautiful" I began blushing and he kissed my cheek. My heart started pounding out of my chest. My cheeks were getting reset by the second and I hid my face in my hands. He pulled my hands away and said "don't hide your cute face". I just smiled. Cynthia put The Conjuring on. I instantly started getting scared and Jaden put his arm around me, pulling my closer to him. I snuggled into him, and laid my head on his chest. Everytime there was a scary part I hid my face in his chest, and he'd pull me closer to him. By the end of the movie my legs were tangled in his, my arm was over his torso with my head on his chest. He had his arm around me, scratching my bad. I was almost asleep I was so tired. He kisses my head and said "goodnight princess. Payton, Amelie, Antony and Avani went into our bedroom, I and jay of course were already in this room, but so were Cynthia, Griffin and Sam. Then the other boys sorted themselves out in the other rooms. Soon after I was asleep.

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