I HAVE A NEW STORY!! please read ! x
who knew that being added into a random group chat would be the best thing that would ever happened to you.
For about 40 minutes I just sat on the floor of the shower crying quietly. You that cry that you literally so broken you can't get a sound out? That one. I hear a knock at the door. "Liv... we are going to get food in 5 you coming?" Avani said quietly. "Mhm just let me get dressed." I said. "Yeah okay" she said. I turned the shower off and got up. I dried myself then got changed into this.
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I didn't really have the effort to do much. I brushed my teeth and hair and walked out as I'm putting it into a messy bun. "You okay?" Amelie asked as they all had their eyes on me. "oh my god guys I'm fine now come on" we all walked out the door and got into the elevator. "The others are already down their" Ant said looking at his phone. Others? As in Josh and Jaden? "Okay" Payton said. The elevator dinged and they walked out. I was following behind them. They were all in a group, Avani and Ant holding hands, and Amelie and Payton holding hands. I was slowing walking behind them kinda looking towards the floor. We walked into starbucks and everyone sat down. The only spot was next to Jaden and across from Josh. Well shit. I sat down and just looked down. "Liv I'm really sorry" Jaden whispered in my ear. "It's fine" I said giving him a fake smile. I looked across the table and saw josh giving me a look filled with sorrow. I just smile at him. everyone is talking whilst you just sit there and let your thoughts destroy your mind. "Liv what do you want to drink?" Griffin asked my snapping my out of my thoughts. "Oh um just a water please." I say quietly. "No coffee Olivia?! That's a first" Amelie said. I give her a fake laugh. "What's wrong?" She asks. "Huh? What nothing's wrong" you say and give a fake smile. "Liv it's okay to not be okay" ant said. "I know but I'm fine." I said. "Liv I'm sorry" "it's fine Jaden" "Liv come on bub" Avani said. "Oh my god why do you all want me to not be okay?! Do you want me to sit here and cry to you about how my it feels like my heart has been ripped out of my throat?! Do you want me to sit here and tell you how miserable u am? Huh?! Do you really want to sit here and watch me break into pieces?!" I said sternly as a tear fell from my eye. I got up and Jaden grabbed my wrist. "Please can we talk liv?" He asked. "There is nothing we need to talk about" I said ripping my arm away from him. I left and began walking back towards the hotel. I got back up to the room and slammed the door shut. I went and cried for a while on the bed. I then just laid there thinking until I fell asleep. 2 hours later I woke up.
Am💛: hey liv we all decided to give you your time so we went shopping. I love you 3000 x
I was scrolling through snap chat and saw all of their stories. They were having so much fun, without me. Maybe everyone would just be better off, ya know without me. All I do is bring drama. I look into the bathroom and get up. I go in there and search through my toiletries bag. I pulled out a eyebrow pencil sharpener. I disassembled it and took the blade. I sat their for a while just looking at it thinking. I hold out my wrist and cut a small line into it. I wanted to know what it felt like. I cut another, and another. Then I heard the door open. I hide the blade quickly and pull my sleeve down. "Hey liv.. you okay?" Avani says. You nod your head. You go and lay back on the bed and Amelie comes over and lays beside you. "I'm so sorry I've been so distracted with Pay" "don't be silly I'm so happy for you guys" I say back. "Thank you, but you know I'm always here" "thanks bub" you say. She kisses your head and gets up. You decide to post a pic on insta
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@_oliviadavis: I miss her so much 😪🥺
@avani: look at you pretty girl -much love x @luvanthony: best fwiend - 💛
@fan085: she's ugly asf -@jadenhossler: no she's not don't you dare say that
@joshrichards: pwetty 💗👼
@jadenhossler: you're so pretty princess 🥺💛
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Why Jaden? You can't keep doing this to me. Are my thoughts. Why lead me on, and keep leading me on when you love her?