I HAVE A NEW STORY!! please read ! x
who knew that being added into a random group chat would be the best thing that would ever happened to you.
We all were on the couch joking around when Kio speaks up. "We should go in the pool" he says and everyone agrees. "I don't have a bathing suit" I whisper to Jaden and he looks at me. "Ummmm" he thinks then looks at Josh. "Has Nessa left a bathing suit here by any chance?" He asks. "Yeah she's taken over half of my wardrobe." He giggles. "Top left draw in my dresser" he says. "Which ones your room?" I ask quietly. "Up the stairs to the right. Last one at the end of the hall" he says and I stand up. "Thank you" I say quietly and head upstairs. I walk into Josh's, which was surprisingly very clean, and walk over to his dresser. I pick out a bikini and get changed in the bathroom.
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I then walk downstairs and see that the boys are already in the pool. I walk outside and all of the boys eyes are on me. I try to hide my body with my arms as I got insecure. I sat down on the edge of the pool with my feet hanging in, and Jaden swam over to me. He stood in between my legs. "Don't hide your beautiful body" he said quietly which made me blush. My put his hands either side of me and pushed himself up to kiss me. I kissed him back. "I love you" he said placing himself back in the water. "I love you too Jay" I replied. He placed his hands on my hips which sent shivers down my spine. He lifted me into the water and I wrapped my legs around his torso, placing my arms around his neck. His arms wrapped around my lower back. I place my forehead upon his and smile. "How did I get so lucky" I whisper. "No me" he replies. "Um, no me" I saw taking my head away from his exchanging eye contact. "No me!" He said getting louder. "Jaden. Me" I say trying to act mad. "No meeeeeee" he said trying to not laugh at me. "No meee" I say trying to be mad again. He moved his head towards mine and seductively whispered in my ear, "you're sexy when you're mad." I playfully hit him. "What was that for" he giggles stepping back holding his arm like I hurt him. "Not around your friends" I say a little louder than I should have. "What not around us?" Bryce asks with a smirk on this face. "Ooo yeah what not around his" Payton wiggled his eyebrows. "Nothing" I say hiding my face with my hands. "Oh come on tell ussss" josh said laughing. "What were you gonna doooo" Kio teased. I got up pretty much instantly and began to walk inside. "Where are you going?" Jaden asked concerned. "Inside" I say quietly and go back inside. I go upstairs and go back into Josh's room to get my clothes. I get changed back into my clothes and my thoughts where scattered throughout my head. What do they think of me now? Ugh I'm so embarrassed. Why didn't Jaden say anything? What did they think we were going to do?
"Liv?" I hear a voice getting closer and closer. "What?" I say sternly. "Where are you?" He questions. "I'm in Josh's room" I say and in walks Jaden. "Why did you leave?" He questions walking towards me. "I'm embarrassed" I say turning to look at him. "Because you're friends probably think I'm some whore now" I say looking at him. "Woah woah woah, why the hell would they think that? Where did you get that from?" He says walking closer to me, snaking his arm around my lower back. "Because they probably think we were going to do something bad. I don't know" I say looking down. "Princess, it's okay. I'm sorry, you don't have any reason to be embarrassed. They're boys that's just what they do." He said in a soft tone. I nod.
"Do you think your dad would let you stay the night?" He asked me. "Um I don't know Jaden" I say moving a piece of hair out of my face and tucking it behind my ear. "Could you ask?" He asked and I nod.
Liv: dad can I stay at the sway house tonight?
Daddy💗🥺: sure hunny just make sure you're safe okay?
Liv: of course thank you dad!
"So?" Jaden asked looking deep into my eyes. "He's fine with it" I say smiling, getting nervous. "Yayyy" he picked me up and span me around. "Put me down dork" I say giggling. He placed me back onto the floor and caressed my cheeks with his soft hands. "I love you princess" he said, then pecked my lips gently. "I love you too Jay" I say smiling. __________________________________ Authors note: I hope you guys are staying safe omg! If anyone need anything lmk. Thank you guys so much for 70k I actually can't believe it! thank you so much. If you guys have any suggestions let me know and I'll see what I can do. I have an idea for another book but idk if I wanna start the other one and keep doing this one or focus on finishing this one first and then do the new one. What do you guys think? Please stay safe I love you all. Once again sorry for the self promo, but if ya wanna follow my TikTok is @_mclovinmaya and so is my insta ❤️