Lovey Dovey

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Oikawa Tooru

"(M/n)-chan~" a sing sang voice echoed in the room, (M/n) was on his bed reading a book, ignoring his boyfriend.

Oikawa whined and tried to get (M/n)'s attention. He constantly hugged him and gave him kisses "love me (M/n)-chan~" he purred.

(M/n) got annoyed, he closed his book and set it down, giving in and getting him do what he wants.

(M/n) does enjoy the other's affection but he was trying to read a good book and he had to be interrupted.

Oikawa cheered and embraced him more, planting kisses all over his face and neck.



"I love you~"

"Love you too "

Ushijima Wakatoshi

The two were laying on the bed, it was a Saturday so they just snuggled in bed.

Right now, (M/n) was leaning on the bed frame and constantly typing away and scrolling on his phone, while Ushijima slept, the Captain woke up, his sleepy eyes looked at the fully awake male.

"(M/n).." His soft and quiet voice alerted (M/n) "yes Waka-kun?" He responded.

He held his waist and closed his eyes again "alright alright" (M/n) smiled and set his phone on the table, Ushijima loosed his grip to let (M/n) lay beside him and cuddle.

"You're like a big teddy bear Waka-kun~" (M/n) chuckled and kissed his forehead.

"I'll have to get up later okay?" He said, the Captain nodded lazily and began to fall asleep again.

Leaving (M/n) admiring his sleeping face, he played around with Ushijima's hair, brushing it with his hands.

Soon enough, he fell asleep and left his friend he was texting on hold.

Bokuto koutaro

(M/n) was setting up the last of the utensils on the table, he awaited for bokuto's return from practice.

He planned a surprised date for his lovely boyfriend, he heard the door creak open and he smiled when he heard bokuto's greeting.

"hEY HEY HEY I'M HOMEEEE" he cheered and took off his shoes and went in.

"Welcome home Owl-kun~" he greeted with a kiss on the cheek, bokuto saw a lit candle on the dinning table.

"Oh? A candle? And fancy food? it's a date? AWWWW YOU'RE SO THOUGHTFUL (M/N)!!!" Bokuto kissed (M/n) all over his face.

(M/n) giggled "haha~! Hey that tickles~!" He pushed bokuto away "and yes! Surprise!" He beamed a smile.

"I'll be right back!" Bokuto went in his room to change, once he came back he sat on the chair.

"This is very romantic of you (M/n)!" Bokuto said "i know" he smiled lovingly.

"Let's start eating" (M/n) clasped his hands, bokuto nodded.

"Thank you for the food!"



"I wob u (M/n)!"

"Don't talk when your mouth is full..and i love you too"

Kuroo Tetsurou

The two lovebirds were watching a romantic movie in the living room, with blankets, pillows, soda, snacks, etc.

They were enjoying the movie and suddenly (M/n) felt something touch his thigh, he looked down and saw his perverted boyfriend's hand rested on his exposed thigh.

"Tetsu-kun, what are you doing?" (M/n) raised an eyebrow, kuroo looked at him with an obvious smirk "ohoho? What are you talking about~?"

(M/n) slapped kuroo's hand, the Captain yelped a bit and took his hand away "(M/n) owie~" Kuroo fake pouted.

"It's your fault for wearing shorts today~" he poked his thigh and made (M/n) slap him again.

"Ow!" Kuroo frowned, he looked at his lover with a dead eye stare, (M/n) knew what he was about to do and tried to escape "oh no-"

Kuroo pinned him down and started to tickle him, the stubborn male began laughing hard "shtapp aHaha!" He plead and begged him to stop.

"What's the magic word~" Kuroo smirked "AhAhahaha! I love you! There! N-now stop- ahah!"

Kuroo stopped and laid on top of him, the shorter male was being squashed by his boyfriend's built body.

"Tetsu!! Ahh- you're suffocating meee!" (M/n) tried to breathe.

Kuroo moved up and kissed the male "i love you too~" (M/n) blushed and pushed him away "shuddap"

Kuroo laughed
"So cute~!

Daichi Sawamura

Daichi was in the kitchen making dinner for the him and his boyfriend, (M/n) entered the kitchen and hugged Daichi.

"Dai-kun~" (M/n) spoke softly, hugging him tighter. The concerned male looked at him "yes?"

"I want affection.." (M/n) pouted, Daichi smiled "after i'm done cooking" he responded.

Which made (M/n) pout even more "Noo! I want it here and now!" He stubbornly stated.

Daichi turned the stove off "good thing i was done cooking.."

Daichi turned to the male "alright come here" he hugged (M/n) whom smiled brightly and hugged back.

"I shouldn't have spoiled you so much" Daichi chuckled and blamed himself for (M/n) childish antics.

Daichi planted kisses on (M/n)'s face, (M/n) giggled "that tickles~!"

(M/n) kissed Daichi's neck "Sawa-kun~ you're the best and i love you~!" (M/n) said in a sing sang tone.

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