this is what Love is

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Oikawa Tooru

It was night time and the two were just about to go to sleep until- "(M/N)-CHAN I SAW A UFO OUTSIDEE!!" Oikawa gasped and pulled (M/n) outside, he kept dragging him out till they reached the park "Oi! We're in pajamas!"

"I THINK ITS HERE!!" He looked up and around the sky, (M/n) groaned "for the last time there are no-" he looked up.

It was a lucky sight, a meteor shower has started, being in the park made them have a great view.

"W-woah.." (M/n)'s eyes sparkled "uwah?! meteor shower?! We're so lucky (M/n)-chan!!"

After the little show, (M/n) had hugged and thanked Oikawa for dragging him out, he was able to finally see a meteor shower in person thanks to Oikawa's 'Ufo' discovery.

"I love you To-kun..thank you for this."

Ushijima Wakatoshi

(M/n) and ushijima had a night picnic at a beautiful flower field they chatted and smiled at each other, enjoying each other's company.

They both looked at the stars and held hands, they saw a shooting star pass by.

"Oo! A shooting star! I'm making a wish!" He clasped his hands together and closed his eyes and. made a wish

"But..even if i did wish for this..i know it will come true.." (M/n) opened His eyes.

"What did you wish for then?" Ushijima asked "i wished for us to be together forever and never be apart" he smiled at him, Ushijima's eyes widened and twinkled.

He leaned to (M/n) and kissed him softly, closing his eyes in the process, (M/n)'s eyes widen and he blushed lightly, didn't expect it from Ushijima.

He closed his eyes and savored the beautiful moment.

Kuroo Tetsurou

Kuroo had just came back from practice and entered the house, he expected a 'welcome home Tetsu-kun' from his lover yet it never came.

He frowned a bit and went o the living room only to spot the short male sleeping peacefully on the couch.

He smiled, he went over to the bathroom to take a quick shower, once he finished, he wore comfortable clothes and went beside the male and covered boh (M/n) and himself with a blanket.

(M/n) unconsciously hugged Kuroo, he had a cute smile on his face as he held on to him, Kuroo always loved (M/n)'s peaceful side.

So he treasured each and every moment.

They both slept together peacefully and unlocked another core memory.

Bokuto koutarou

The owl lovers went to the amusement park without Akaashi this time, they enjoyed the rides and food but after those moments they were tired.

Bokuto carried (M/n) on his back, knowing that (M/n) was tired from the fun trips.

Bokuto smiled bright, walking back to their house, (M/n) quietly snored, it made bokuto adore him more, the cute sounds and smiles he make always brightened his day.

Of course same goes to (M/n). They loved being with each other and enjoyed their lives together.

Bokuto had wished for the two of them to be together forever and never he apart, not even death.

Bokuto arrived to the house, he placed (M/n) onto their bed and he laid with him "i love you (M/n)~ to pluto and back" he smiled softly.

He kissed his forehead and soon fell asleep together.

Daichi Sawamura

(M/n) made Daichi the best day of his life, giving him tons of love, gifts and sweet moments, and he planned to give him one for surprise.

"Dai-kun! Dai-kun! Come on! We're almost there!" He pulled Daichi along with him.

Daichi had a smile "okay okay coming!" He followed the male. (M/n) stopped in the flower field and showed him the surprise.

"Tada!! The perfect place for a perfect night with my perfect boyfriend~" he had many things with him that Daichi loved.

"Thank you so much sweetie..i.."

"E-eh! Dai-kun don't cry!" (M/n) panicked a bit, daichi wiped his tears "its just are too sweet..i don't deserve you" Daichi hugged the short male.

"Yes you do! I do this for you only you! To be honest i don't deserve you!" (M/n) hugged back tightly.

"This is my way of saying thank you Dai-kun..for being with me..and sorry if i sometimes become moody and bratty..i'm just so grateful to have you.." (M/n) cried.

"Me too (M/n) gratefull.


Hoo..that one is a tear jerker!

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