idk what to call dis

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So basically (M/n) saw some trend in tiktok of people asking their boyfriend/girlfriend/bestfriend etc
"If there is something you need to tell me just tell me" and yeahh


Oikawa Tooru

Oikawa froze, he looked at (M/n) as if he was caught "um..well.." He looked away "you see (M/n)-chan.."

(M/n) looked shocked, he thought it might be something bad.

"I-i lost one of your books -and i trued to find it b-but i couldn't!! I'm sorry!!!" Oikawa bowed with a 'don't hurt me!' Expression.

"A Book!? Which one" (M/n) crossed his arm and glared at him.

"T-the one with your favorite novelist that was limited edition...DON'T HURT MEEEE I'M SORRYY!!" Oikawa confessed.

"You idiot! The LIMITED EDITION ARE YOU CRAZY?! Go find it now or i will end our relationship here and now!!" (M/n) growled.

"Y-YES (M/N)-CHAN!!" Oikawa scurried away and looked around the house with speed.

"Well..that went well" (M/n) sighed and sat down on the bed, here was no way he is gonna try finding something that Oikawa lost.

So he's gonna have Oikawa find it for him.

Ushijima Wakatoshi

Ushijima closed his book and sighed "fine i'll confess.." He muttered which got (M/n) turned his full attention.

"I..was jealous when you hung out with your friends.." He confessed. (M/n) gasped

"oh I'm sorry for making you feel that Waka-kun!!" He apologized and hugged him tightly.

"To make up for you! Let's go for some barbeque!"

"Next time tell me so i can understand you more okay??" He asked, Ushijima nodded.

In the end Ushijima didn't keep anymore secrets from (M/n).

"Waka-kun are you coming or what?" (M/n) waited for him, Ushijima stood up and walked with (M/n).

Kuroo Tetsurou


"W-what do you mean kitten?" Kuroo asked nervously "you know what i'm talking about! You've been..acting weird lately"

"You see..." (M/n) tried not to look shocked that he actually had something to say.

"You know that small glass statue of pikachu.." Kuroo started "what about it?" He raised eyebrow.

"I..broke it and-" "YOU WHAT?!" "Look! I bought to buy a new one!" He showed him the small statue of a pichu.

(M/n) sighed at least you tried replace it with a cuter one!" He took the statue, he actually liked it more than the pikachu one he broke.

"Tetsu-kun! You are punished with the water spray!" He took it out which shocked Kuroo.

(M/n) sprayed him with it and Kuroo hissed and defended himself with a pillow.

"Ah! Stop stop! I'm sorry!! Ack!" Kuroo ran away.

Bokuto koutarou

"Eh? I have nothing to tell you" bokuto looked at him confused "but you have been acting weirder than usual.." (M/n) crossed his arms.

"So? Are you gonna tell me what's going on or what?" He frowned.

"Okay okay! You got me! I'M GUILTY!!" Bokuto cried out "i ate some of the strawberries in the fridge! I though i could have some since we share the fridge I'M ReALlY SoRrY PlEaSe fOrGiVe mE" bokuto cried.

"Oh no baby don't cry! It's okay! You could have some! It's okay! You're not guilty!" (M/n) regretted it.


"Its alright Owl-kun it's alright, i forgive you and you can have some more" he hugged back.

"R-really?!" "Yes really"

"thank you! You are so nice!"

Daichi Sawamura

"Ah you got me" daichi sighed "i wanted it to be a surprise but you found out"

"Eh??" (M/n) looked at him confused. Daichi went to the kitchen and took out the cake and somehow Suga was with him and held presents.

"Happy birthday (M/n)-kun! It should've been an hour before we surprised you but on well! Surprise!!"

(M/n) gasped as his eyes sparkled "OMG THANK YOUUU"

"These presents were given by us and the team!" Suga handed him the presents.

"Blow your candles first" Daichi chuckled, (M/n) nodded and blew the candles.

Suga clapped, daichi placed the cake on the table. They celebrated (M/n)'s birthday, in the next day he thanked Daichi's team for the presents.

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