Wearing his clothes

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Oikawa Tooru

It was night time, bed time the others but movie time for the love birds, Oikawa and (M/n) were changing in their pajamas.

"(M/n)-chan do you want-" Oikawa's eyes widened, seeing the male putting on his alien Shirt which was a bit baggy on him. (M/n) was only an inch shorter than Oikawa.

"(M/n)-chan! You look so cute with my shirt! You should wear it more often!! Oikawa hugged (M/n).

(M/n) rolled his eyes "cute? Me? I don't think so" he had a faint blush on his cheeks, he had pushed Oikawa away

"Eh? But its true! If you want you can wear any of my clothes!" It was obvious hat Oikawa wanted to see (M/n) in his clothes more.

(M/n) went to the couch that was filled with pillows and blankets
(M/n) sat on the couch and took some candy on the table filled with tons of food.

Oikawa arrived to the couch and cuddled with (M/n) and started the movie.

Ushijima Wakatoshi

Both (M/n) and Ushijima had forgotten to do the laundry, which means no clothes for (M/n) but Ushijima still had a few pairs of clothing.

"Waka-kun..do you have any clean clothes? Mine are all dirty.." (M/n) asked.

Ushijima placed the last of the dirty clothes "i don't want to wait with a towel..i'll get sick" (M/n) complained, he wore a towel on his waist which ushijima couldn't help but stare a little

Ushijima turned the washing machine on, ushijima nodded to (M/n) "in my wardrobe" he spoke softly.

"Alright" (M/n) went to their room and opened ushijima's wardrobe, he took a black long sleeved shirt and boxers which were baggy.

He wore it anyways, using the boxers as shorts since he was just gonna stay home.

The sleeves went up to his hands, he looked in the mirror "Mm~ so comfy~" he hugged himself.

Ushijima walked to their room, his eyes stared at his body, checking him out. He adored the male whom was wearing his clothes, he quickly noticed how baggy it was.

Knowing that (M/n) had a slender body, well (M/n) reached up to Ushijimas chin.

The shirt was long enough to cover most of the boxers (M/n) was wearing. (M/n) noticed his boyfriend and turned around.

"Waka-kun! So, how do i look? Too baggy?" He twirled around for him. Ushijima shook his and and embraced the male "it's just right" he spoke.

(M/n) smiled brightly "Maybe i'll begin to wear your clothes more often! If you allow me though.."
Ushijima just nodded "of course" he said, (M/n) cheered "yay~ Thanks Waka-kun~" (M/n) wrapped his arms around Ushijima.

Bokuto Koutaro

(M/n) was on the bed reading a book that he was interested in,

"(N/NNNN)!!" Bokuto yelled, (M/n) looked up to him "what is this Owl-kun?" He asked.

"WEAR MY CLOTHES!" "Stop yelling..and for what?" (M/n) closed his book.

"I need to show Bro-Kuroo that my boyfriend is far more cuter!" He slammed his hands on the bed.

"Hmm sure" (M/n) kissed bokuto's cheek. Bokuto cheered and went to his closet and got a white long sleeved button down shirt.

"When do you even wear that?" (M/n) asked "for special occasion! That includes a suit!" Bokuto gave him the top.

(M/n) took his sweater off and wore the top, it was loose on him, the sleeves were quite long, it reached to his finger tips, the shirt reached down covering (M/n)'s shorts fully.

(M/n) buttoned the shirt, the shirt hid (M/n)'s small and slender waist, he always had a small figure.

"okay now what?" He sat on his place. Bokuto got his phone "pose for me (N/n)!"

(M/n) posed cutely, bokuto awed and took loads of pictures. It went on for 5 minutes.

"Thank you (N/n)! You look so cute~!" Bokuto hugged the male "no problem Owl-kun!" (M/n) smiled.

Bokuto let go and sent the pictures to Kuroo. (M/n) took off the shirt and wore his favorite sweater again.

"(N/n)! Wear my clothes more often okay?!" Bokuto said, (M/n) nodded "alright"


Kuroo Tetsurou


"Hm?" (M/n) looked at Kuroo "why are you wearing my hoodie? Not that i don't like you wearing it but why?" Kuroo asked.

"Uh.. Its comfy?" (M/n) blushed, looking away from Kuroo, Kuroo smirked and took his phone out.

Snapping a picture of (M/n), whom was laying on the bed using his phone.

(M/n) heard a clicking sound, he quickly turned to Kuroo and and pounced on him.

"Delete! Delete it Testu-kun!!" He tried to reach Kuroo's phone. Kuroo laughed and pinned the male.

(M/n) blushed madly, Kuroo licked his lips, (M/n) closed his eyes. Kuroo let go of him and raced out their room.

Once (M/n) felt Kuroo's hand disappear from his wrists he opened his eyes.

He yelled. Kuroo snickered from the other room. He posted the photo and tagged him.

Daichi Sawamura

(M/n) rummaged through Daichi's closet, he got bored of his phone and just went hunting in his clothes.

(M/n) found a certain clothing and closed the closet door, he excitedly took his top off and wore it.

It was Daichi's Jersey, (M/n) was short and petite so it was very big on him. He went to the mirror and checked himself out.

"Hehe~! Hmm..i am Daichi Sawamura! I am your Captain! Do 100 laps!" He impersonated him.

"I am very tough and love my boyfriend so!" He giggled.

"I see you enjoying yourself sweetie" a voice piped in. (M/n) screamed and turned around "D-dai-kun!" He gasped.

"I-i was um.." He looked away blushing "it's fine (M/n)" daichi smiled, adored the male's cuteness.

"It was very accurate i must say" he chuckled "eh..? But you are more scarier!" (M/n) said.

"What did you say?" Daichi said menacingly "n-nothing!" (M/n) giggled quietly.


"Hm?" He looked at him "do you think i look cute in this?" (M/n) asked and posed cutely.

"Yes very"

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