Teaching you how to play volleyball

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Oikawa Tooru

Oikawa has dragged (M/n) to his practice, after practice he told (M/n) that he'll teach him how to serve.

(M/n) instantly denied his offer "no absolutely not" he shook his head "eh! Why not!! At least try it onceeee!" Oikawa plead for him to say yes.(say yes say yes cuz i need to know-)

"Okay fine but only once!" (M/n) sighed, Oikawa cheered and quickly grabbed a ball.

"Okay! This is how you serve!" He showed him his amazing jump serve "yeahh i'm not jumping" (M/n) crossed his arms.

"Fine fine! Then do this!" He did a normal serve and smacked the ball hard in the ground.

"Your turn!" He gave him a ball, (M/n) took it, he nervously gulped, i tried to copy Oikawa and smacked the ball.

The ball weakly flew and didn't even pass the net "welp this is stupid and a waste of time let's go" (M/n) got his bag.

"No! Wait! Try again pleaseee!!! Oikawa hugged him "No, let's go" (M/n) rolled his eyes.

"Pleasee!!" (M/n) sighed "only one more okay?!" "...yaaay..!"

Ushijima Wakatoshi


"Yeah um maybe i'll try receiving" (M/n) gave the ball to ushijima, he nodded. (M/n) walked backwards a bit and stopped.

He bent down slightly, Ushijima tossed the ball at him, (M/n) quickly went to a receiving pose and successfully received the ball.

"Ah yeah!...ow that burns" he rubbed his arm slightly.

"Good job, maybe soon you'll learn to play volleyball with me" Ushijima said "aww that's cute but i don't think i can learn it properly" he smiled nervously.

"I have faith in you" Ushijima placed a hand on (M/n)'s shoulder, (M/n)'s eyes sparkled "t-then i'll try and try and learn for you!" His only motivation was Ushijima.

"Great, good thing you're in Shiratorizawa"

Kuroo Tetsurou

"Block? How in the tempura chicken do you do that??" (M/n) crossed his arms whilst tilting his head.

"Well you hold up your hand like this" Kuroo raised his hands "and you jump when the ball is near and block it!" He demonstrated.

"O-okay??" (M/n went to the net "so you jump like this??" He rose his arms and jumped.

Unfortunately (M/n) was only able to do a toddler jump, (M/n) looked away embarrassed as Kuroo laughed.

"H-hey! Shuddap!!" (M/n) hit his  shoulder "you jump like a child" Kuroo laughed more.

"Y-you planned thiss!!" (M/n) smacked him with a volleyball "ow! Hahaa!"

"Maybe try to serve since you hit me with that ball so hard!" He suggested "and how do you do that??" (M/n) raised an eyebrow.

"Do you need to jump?" He asked "well it's optional" "well whatever, sure"

Kuroo demonstrated and looked at (M/n) "now you do it" he smiled, he pulled (M/n) to where he stood and gave him a ball.

(M/n) took a deep breath, he threw the ball up and spiked it, it went over the net almost touching it.

"AHA! i did it!" (M/n) spun around in excitement "congrats kitten, you can be a future player if you trained hard enough"

"Eh how about no, too much exercise!" (M/n) got his bag "let's head back"

"Okay then"

Bokuto Koutarou

"But i suck at it!" (M/n) pouted.

"Come on (M/nnnn)! I called Akaashi for thisss" Bokuto pointed at Akaashi whom was setting his back on a bench.

"Fine fine" he smiled "so how do you spike again?" "I'll show you!"

Bokuto nodded at Akaashi, they went o their position, (M/n) made sure to obverse bokuto's moves other than staring at his butt and thighs all day.

"Do you get it (M/n)??" Bokuto asked "yeah! I think i can do it!" He went to bokuto's place.

"Its okay if you miss the first time, take your time to adjust" Akaashi got a ball "got it!"

Akaashi set the ball, (M/n) jumped and tried to spike the ball, unfortunately he missed and also fell to the net "AH! I'M TRAPPED!" He squirmed on the net.

"You can almost reach the floor (L/n).." Akaashi pointed out.

"O-oh.." He was able to get out "again! Again!" Bokuto cheered "you can do it (M/n)!!"

"Okay! Again Akaashi!" He smiled brightly, actually enjoying playing.

Daichi Sawamura

"Okay its easy just use our arms as a trampoline for the ball and make sure it doesn't hit your face" Daichi grabbed the ball.

"Hai!" (M/n) said with full energy.

Daichi tossed the ball to him, (M/n) was able to receive the ball but it was a bit sloppy.

"AHHH!! IT HURTS! MY ARMMM" (M/n) dramatically fell on the floor holding his arm that hit he ball.

Daichi went to him, knowing that he was just being dramatic "ahh!! Dai-kun.." He slowly crawled to Daichi as Daichi kneeled down.

"S-since i'm about to die..i just wanna say i love you..the team..suga..and my family..i will miss you all..blehh" he 'died' in Daichu's arms.

"You're not dead sweetie" Daichi chuckled "wait i'm not??" (M/n) sat up "so this isn't heaven yet??" He looked around.

"Nope, i don't think so"

"Oh, okay"

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