pranking the team that they're breaking up

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requested by: AllyRin5
Oikawa Tooru

"That's it! I'm fed up with you! I'm breaking up with you!" (M/n) snapped at Oikawa.

Oikawa gasped "Wait! (M/n)! W-why!" He began to cry, the team seemed to turn their attention to the two.

"You are too much to handle! You are disgraceful! Go date your fangirls! Not like it'll change anything!" (M/n)'s hands were clenched.

Matsu and Makki seemed to be not surprised, knowing that the relationship won't last like the others.

Iwaizumi was shocked, (M/n) had always been used to Oikawa, seeing him snap was unexpected.

The team were in the middle of shocked and not surprised, (M/n) walked away as Oikawa trailed behind him yelling out "d-don't leave me! Please!"


"Wow..that was.." "Expected" hanamaki continued Iwaizumi' sentence with his own reaction.

Thw two soon came back and Oikawa was happily holding (M/n)s hand.

"We got you! We didn't actually break up haha! I bet you cried!" Oikawa grinned.

Iwaizumi just sighed in relief while the meme duo just groaned "seriously?" they looked that the opposite couple.

"EH? What do you mean seriously!!" Oikawa pouted "you didn't want us to date?!"

"Yeah" "maybe"

Ushijima Wakatoshi

"You know what! Waka-kun you seriously the worst!" (M/n) said angrily.

It instantly was noticed by the team, Ushijima's face was neutral as if he didn't care.

"You always look at me as if i'm an uninteresting doll!!" (M/n) stomped his foot.

The team were very shocked, it was that everything (M/n) said wasn't true or what they see in the relationship of the two.

"You are dense! Despicable person! I'M BREAKING UP WITH YOUU!!" (M/n) ran out.

Tendou frowned as well as everyone, they looked at Ushijima who STILL looked neutral.

Could this be the end of their cute relationship?

"What did you say to him?" Semi Eita asked "nothing.." Ushijima looked away, he went out as well.

The team was sad and worried for the two, Tendou seemed to have known something.


"SURPRISE! Its a prank you guys!" (M/n) and Ushijima entered the gym again.

"Ehh?! It wasn't real?! Thank god!" Goshiki sighed in relief and so dod everyone else.

"You gotcha!" (M/n) smiled and clung on Ushijima "i'm Sorry i had said those hurtful words Waka-kun..i womt say if ever again!"

"Its fine" Ushijima ruffled the males head.

Kuroo Tetsurou

"You perverted prick! I've had enough of your sexual deeds! You seem to only like my body and nothing else!" (M/n) suddenly yelled.

It got the team off guard.

"I hate you! I hate you! Why did i even believe that you were more than that!! I'm breaking up with you!" (M/n) cried and ran away.

"..." Kenma watched the male run away, his expression showed shock, he glared at Kuroo to seemed to be disappointed at himself.

"Oh my..i'll..go after him..!" Yaku said and began to walk out. Kuroo stopped him, Yaku looked at to Kuroo with a disappointing stare.

"You hurt him! There is no way i would let you-" "i said i'll take care of it.." Kuroo went out.

Lev was very sad and kenma was very angry at Kuroo, no one hurts (M/n) without dealing with kenma.

Kenma started to walk towards the door to confront Kuroo.

The two suddenly came back and kenma stopped.

"Ken-chan! Wait! It's a joke! Kuroo doesn't like me only for my body! Unless..if he does then i'd murder him here and now" he clarified.

Kenma still looked at Kuroo with 'i will hurt you if you did'

"THANK GODNESS (L/N)-SAANNN" Lev hugged the male "woah! Haha!" (M/n) laughed.

"Lev put him down!!" Yaku threatened to hit him.

The others sighed in relief "good thing it wasn't real because the whole team could've murdered you-"

Bokuto Koutarou

"I'm..sorry Kou-kun..i'm breaking up with you" (M/n) looked down, Akaashi instantly went to them.

"N-NO (M/N) PLEASE!" bokuto begged "(L/n), bokuto-san why is this ha-" "I-I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!" (M/n) ran away.

Bokuto chased after him, Akaashi was very worried and followed the two with a concerned face.

The team gasped, how could (M/n) break up with him?! They are literally match made in heaven!


The three came back, bokuto and (M/n) explained the little prank they did, Akaashi was just relieved if wasn't real or else he'd see bokuto's energy go down.

They told the team it was a joke and it made them a bit triggered cuz it would be the end of Bokuto koutaro if (M/n) broke up with him.

Daichi Sawamura

"E-even so! I'm breaking up with you!!" Those words echoed in the gym, making the team gasped and look at them.

"Sweetie please think about this!" Daichi said with a saddened look "i have AND DON'T CALL ME SWEETIE! I never loved you! SO I'M LEAVING!" (M/n) ran off.

Suga gasped, he didn't expect a break up to happen in their relationship. Hinata gasped more along with everyone.

Asahi looked like he was about to cry, feeling bad for Daichi that (M/n) played with him.

"HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO HIM!!" Tanaka shouted angrily and Noya fell to the floor.

(M/n) entered the gym again "no wait! It's a joke! A prank! Don't hate me you guys!" He frowned and hugged Daichi who actually almost cried.

The team scolded (M/n) and hugged him at the same time, not wanting the bond of the father crow and the step-mom crow to break.


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