𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 6 - 𝓐 𝓕𝓪𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓼 𝔀𝓲𝓼𝓱 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓪 𝓹𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓼 𝓿𝓸𝔀

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Elena's POV
All of a sudden I was greeted by a huge swarm of guests that wanted to greet me. I furrowed my brows and put on an awkward smile. This is one of the reasons why I hated balls in the first place.
I said my goodbyes to them and walked off in a polite manner. I went over to the large group of boys and girls who I recognised almost instantly. I snook up behind the first person and scared them.
"Who in the world- Oh Elena!" The woman grabbed ahold of my shoulders and brought me into a bone crushing hug.
"Hey Hanji! Mind letting me go so that I can get my oxygen supply back." I questioned.
She giggled nervously and slowly released me from the death hug. All of the group saw me and a friendly hug.
"Hey guys it's been a while hasn't it?" I replied with a smile and a soft tone of voice. Almost angelic.
"I know the last time I saw you was on the battle field fighting against the other Kingdom with the help of my forces." The brown haired boy called Eren replied. I stare at him completely unfazed.
"I didn't ask for your help on the battlefield. You just turned up without permission. And yes it was the last time that I saw you there after you got inured pretty bad may I add" I could see the scowl on his face even though it was shielded by a mask I could still make out his expression.
" who's the kingdom that your at war with?" Questioned the raven haired girl the short hair.
"I'm afraid I can't announce that Mikasa. It's confidential information that only known by me and the king."
She just nodded her hard in agreement and left it at that.
I said my goodbyes to them and went to go get a glass of wine. I went over to the long table full of food and expensive drinks and poured myself a glass of rosé. I took a big gulp of the substance and sighed.
I may not act like it but I just want a break from being a princess. All of this fighting is making me more stressed than I already need to be. I have to sort things out with the Ackerman Kingdom so that I can focus on this bigger war. I was deep in thought and I didn't even notice that My Father has approached me.
"My dear Elena what's troubling you at this hour?" He questioned in his formal manner. As the king he didn't wear a mask since it was not needed.
"Nothing just thinking about the two wars. We have to sort things out with the Ackerman Kingdom. I can't be fighting a pointless war over something my monster of a Mother did." I looked down as I announced this. My eyes not meeting his. The loose hairs covering my eyes concealing my emotions away.
"I promise after this is over we will have a peaceful life. I'm sick of all of this fighting it's like we're fighting a loosing battle with the other kingdom. We have to make peace with the Ackermans. Just as how you planned this out tonight." As soon as he said that my head shot up. He found out? But how?
"Wait what-"
"Elena I know you've been to the Ackerman Castle trying to sort things out with the prince. I don't know what your intentions are but I trust your judgement. I also know that you invited the prince here too."
"Yes that's true. I'm sorry for hiding this from you Father. But I want to make peace with the kingdom." I whispered.
"I know darling I know. Now why don't we have the first dance together?" He asked smiling as his glue eyes shone in the blinding light.
"Of course Father" I smiled at the flight of dancing with him again. We used to do it all of the time before my Mother committed her crimes.
I smiled at the happy memories and let my Father drag me out onto the dance floor.
Once on the dance floor I placed my left hand on my fathers shoulder and placed my right hand in his. His other hand. Rested in the middle of my back to support my posture. I gave him a slight nod and we both started dancing slowly to the music.
I rested my head on my Father chest and relaxed in his arms. I smile at the comfort that he provided me and kept moving with the music.
Once the dance had ended my Father kissed my hand and went to talk to some more people about forming allies in the future. I felt a tap on my shoulder and was greeted with -

A raven haired man a bit taller than me with steel-blue eyes that pierced your soul to the core

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A raven haired man a bit taller than me with steel-blue eyes that pierced your soul to the core. The smirk that he wore when I saw his face. His chiselled jawline making some Ancient Greek god. I couldn't stop staring. My face showing a shocked expression as only half of his face was masked. Making it easy for him to stand out from the crowd. And more easier for me to spot who he was.
"Prince Levi Ackerman. I didn't think you'd actually show. It's a pleasure to see you your highness." I curtsy in his presence to show my respect.
"Princess Elena Richardson thank you for your invite. Venturing into my castle must've been thought for you. Well maybe not seeing you are the 'Ice assassin'." He commented with a smirk. I knew he was o my joking because I couldn't see straight through him. Anyone else and they would've taken offence to his comment.
"Oh it was very easy to be honest. Like a walk in the park if I do say so myself sir" I purposely added sir to make him a bit irritated. I smirk seeing his eyes show a flicker of annoyance.
"May I have this dance then madam" he asks gracefully.
He sticks his hand out and I take it.
"So what is it you wanted to discuss? I know you didn't invite me here to start a fight." He got straight to the point and we aren't even dancing yet.
"Okay let me make it simple. I want to stop the fighting between our two kingdoms. This war is pointless. I already apologised about that incident with my monster of a Mother and I want to create a peace treaty." I said. My eyes keeping contact with his all the time.
We got onto the dance floor and got into position. This time it was different to mine and my Father previous dance because this one was a lot closer.

(This is what the dance was. The anime is called record of grancrest war it's a great anime you should watch it!)

At the end of the dance I was breathing heavily due to the concentration put into it. Everyone around us started clapping and went back to their own dancing.
"So about that peace treaty." Levi commented still waking by my side as we went to get a drink.
"What about it?" I questioned out of curiosity.
"I want to make it happen. This war has been going on for too long and you've already apologised for something that you nor your Father did. So on behalf only the Ackerman Kingdom I'm sorry." He said his voice full of sympathy he never broke the eye contact with me as he drank his wine.
"Wow uhm thank you so much!"
"But we have to see what Kenny says..."

Hoped you like the chapter! The war maybe coming to an end. Xx

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