𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 19 - 𝓒𝓪𝓮𝓼𝓪𝓻'𝓼 𝓫𝓵𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓷𝓰

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Levi's POV

They had been riding for hours now and they were finally back home. Elena was still unconscious from the loss of blood. Luckily the gates were already open the guards instantly knew that it was me and the princess because of the horse. We got into the courtyard and maids came straight towards us. 

"Put the horse back in the stables and get a doctor at the ready. The princess is badly injured and needs medical attention." The maids nodded frantically and went straight to work. I jumped off of Moon and carefully took Elena off of her. I carried her bridal style to the infirmary where she could get checked out.

We made it to the infirmary and they said that I couldn't see her. I tried to get in but they would've let me in. Anger could been seen by anyone far away. I was beyond pissed.

They wouldn't even let me know how she was doing. Nothing. I was growing impatient.

After an hour a doctor came out and saw me leaning against the wall.

"Your highness" the doctor called out. I didn't look at them but I gave them a nod to continue.

"The Princess is stable and in good condition. However, she will be in a small coma for a few days. I can't say when she will wake up but it should be a short period of time that she will be out for."

My brows furrowed at the doctors statement. I thanked them and went inside the infirmary. Elena lies there in the bed covered in white sheets. She was still in her violin form. So it must've been easier for the doctors to stitch her up.

I took a chair next to her bed and sat down beside her as she was in her slumber. I grabbed her hand and lightly rubbed my thumb over her cold knuckles.

"You were always the brave one wasn't you? It's weird isn't it? To think that all those years ago you were my fiancé. God if I could change time and make the world a better place I'd do it in a heartbeat. As long as you would have a good future that's all I care about." As I was speaking I didn't even notice the figure stood beside me. It placed a hand on my shoulder in a comforting way.

"You've done my kingdom proud son. Not only did you get stabbed and then kidnapped. You managed to save my daughters life and I owe you for that. Thank you" I lifted up my head to see a familiar pair of light blue eyes and white hair.

"Your majesty. You should t thank me. Elena was the brave one here. She risked her life for my own and fought with everything she had just to save me." But one thing shocked me though. Not one but if anger was shown on his face. No he was wearing a proud smile, my eyes widened in shock as I thought he would hate me.

"She did that because she wanted to she never did it because of the mission that Kenny had sent her on. She did it because she knew that there was something about you.
That's why she's here. She fought for you and she's never done that for anyone before. After her mother committed the crime it killing the queen she became broken. Heartless and it wasn't even her mother that was murdered. She was too distraught at the fact of her own Mother killing another persons mother. She did it because it was something about you that awoke a hidden flame within her. She became the divine maiden because the key to her lock had appeared. And the key is you."

I stared at him in shock. A key to her lock? What? That didn't make any sense, it was clear that in the past that she hated him for not bringing peace between the two kingdoms.

"How was I the key if you don't mind asking?" He let out a low chuckle at my question.

"I can tell that there's just something about you. She never acts like this around anyone else but you. Although she puts on a tough persona act. I can tell deep down that she likes you and I'll be honest she's not doing very well to hide it..."

"She likes me? But how would you know? She hasn't even told me anything." 

"My boy I may be getting old but that doesn't mean that I can't tell if someone's in love. I can read my daughter like an open book. To some people she's full of surprises however to me I can tell if she's feeling a certain emotion especially towards someone. For example, the way that she interacts with, how she speaks to someone etc. She very easy to read and I can tell you that's he loves you."

I didn't know what to say. The king took his hand off of my shoulder and placed it on his daughters cheek.

"Your growing up too quickly my little princess" he said before kissing her on the forehead. He walked over to the infirmary door before saying.

"Also me and you uncle have made an arrangement. I have one question for you Levi" I looked at him confused for a moment.

"And what would that be your majesty?" I questioned wanting him to carry on.

"Do you truly love my daughter?" I was slightly take.j back from the sudden question but I kept my composure.

"Yes I do. I love her with all of my heart and I swear I'm my life that I will protect her from anyone and anything."

"That's what I like to hear. Your uncle and I have made the agreement to hold a wedding between you and Elena. Once she wakes up from her coma I will inform her. The wedding will be a while away. But I give you my permission for you to marry her."

"I-I pardon me for being rude but why would you chose someone like me to be you're daughters husband?" Levi Ackerman stuttering? I never thought I'd see the day!

"Your the best person suited for my daughter. That I can assure you. For now take care of her whilst she is in this coma. She needs you at a time like this" before I could say anything else he walked out of the door and closed it behind him.

I focused my attention back to the sleeping princess.

"We're going to get married Elena... How do you feel about that? Well I can easily say that at this moment so am the happiest man alive. I love you Elena Richardson"

I gently placed my lips on hers and gave her a small peck.

Thank you for being the light in my darkness...

Well that just happened! Thank you so much for reading this chapter. Hope you all enjoyed x

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