2 Weeks [1]

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Ruby POV.

2 weeks ago from today. Me and my team, along with other 2 guys, got involve in a...dangerous mission. A mission that...if i think about it, is a mission that went rather well, none of us suffer any injuries, and we managed to defeat the enemy and achieved our goal..to an extent. So..Go team RWBY! Yay!

...Anyway, that said, in that mission we still face problems that we weren't expect. But that's usually what happens in this kind of things huh. This mission involves the White Fang and a known criminal. And we were prepared for that. To face the White Fang, and to face a criminal that i have been running into more times than i would like. A criminal named Roman Torchwick.

We were prepared for that. But...things still got blown out of proportion. Enough for the police to come. We didn't expect that.

Which..now that i think about it, we should have really expected the police would come and be involve in all of this. So uh....oops.

But, luckily for us, a man came. A bloodied man from head to toe, wearing a straw hat. And if that's not enough for people to think 'whoa! A weird person just arrived!!'

This person also have a sword that you probably won't see anywhere, strapped on his back. It have thorn gripped and guard! It looks so cool !!...I wonder how he can fight with that. But sadly, i didn't find out.

Because, long story short, the man came, his hand exploded, bad guys got away, police came, the guy re-grow his arm, he introduced himself and told us that he'll handle everything.

To which he did....He just did it in a way that someone would say that it was a crime....No, scratch that, what he did was definitely a crime. That's not even up for debate.

Which makes things awkward, because now that i really think about it. What he did was unnecesarry. We would get in trouble, both from the police and from the school.

But...i got a feeling that because Proffesor Ozpin is...Professor Ozpin. He would have figure out a way to help us. And that we would only get away with a slap on the wrist. And so with that in mind, i don't think he needed to go that far, and make a story that Blake would describe as "Believable but forgettable".

He doesn't need to do that. But..he did. This is what i thought...at first. But i'll get into that later.

Anyway, his name is Y/n L/n. I have no idea who he is or where he came from. But, by the sound of it, he does knows me and Yang...from somewhere.


Anyway, after that day, after we read the story he make, and that the case have been closed shut. We were left to ponder who he is.

It feels like such a big mystery then. But that feeling was blown away not long after.

Because at the same day, a news start to spread out in Beacon. A news that said that there is a new teacher in Beacon.

When we heard that, for some reason, Mr.L/n's face popped up in our heads. We were curious and so we set out to see whether the news is true or not.

And a half hour after we set out, we were all proven correct!

We saw him clear as day, in the courtyard. He looks like he was searching for something.

Me and my team approached him.

"Uh...Mr.L/-" I said as me and my team approached him.

"Come on, you little shit..I know you're here somewhere....aha! Found you!!"

Suddenly from the nearby bushes comes out a dog, running away while carryng a baby by it's teeth.

"I'm gonna skin you alive with my bare hands!! Give me the damn baby!!" He said as he gives chase.

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