Dance [2]

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You are in your room, standing in front of a mirror. You tighten a black tie along your dark red collar of your darkbred shirt. You put on your sleek black suit. You straighten out your outfit.

And you look over yourself.


You are wearing a black suit, and underneath that is a dark red shirt. You wore a dark brown belt, black pants and black shoes.

"...I look pretty damn good, huh? As expected of me..! That said.."

You stretch your arms, and you try to see if the suit is pulling on your arms or not. The suit fits perfectly on your skin. And despite you not knowing nor have wore a suit of any kind. You can tell that this suit is of rather high quality.

But you do wonder one thing about the suit though..

"...How the hell does Ozpin know my exact size..? And also, why did he have this just lying around? Hm...." You think about this for a moment.

....And then a moment after that, you just:

"Ah fuck it, who cares?"

You clapped your hands together.

"All right! Let's get this party started it!! Wooo!!!"

You walk to the exit door.

"Let's hope this thing ain't a dissapointment"

10 minutes later.

You look around, awestruck. The gentle, classic music that is being played seems to surround the room in harmony. The light is bright, but not too bright it will burns one eyes out.

The students and teachers are wearing suits and dresses, and all that formal stuff. Some outfits are brighter than others, some are darker.

The attendees all have a smile plastered on their faces. There is a table where there is myriad kinds of food and drinks.

"....Huh... Fancy.." You mutter.

A student wearing a white dress approach you. You notice them.

"Oho!" You said in surprise.

"Ei, what's up, Doc?"

"Well, look at you, Yang! You look...awful! White is so not your color"

"Oh screw you..! I am rocking this dress! I mean, just look at those guys ogling me" She said pointing at the male students far behind her with her thumb.

You look at where she pointed and you see the male students. And in turn they see you. But they divert their eyes away when you made eye contact.

"Oh look at that..."

You turn to look at Yang.

"....If this keep going you're gonna be one hell of a heart breaker in your near future"

"Thanks? I guess. But nevermind, me! Look at you!" She said gesturing at you.

You look down at your outfit.

"Finally you get out of that jacket and cheap shirt..! You look good!"

"Okay, first, I look good in everything. Secondly,...Thank you. I almost violated Ozpin for this you know"

"You almost what?"

"Ah Nevermind..! How's your team? I think i only see... you annndd....Weiss over there. Where are the others? They're skipping out?"

"Oh well, Blake is late. But she'll come. I've guaranteed that.."

"Okay? That sounds almost ominous but whatever. Not really in the mood to care"

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