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Roman POV.

Damn... Not good... not good at all!!

Every single faunus is kapoot! They're done..! And they are probably drowning in all of this blood!!!

I look ahead of me. And i see that man. I still don't even know his name..!

But the straw hat guy..! This damn straw hat guy..!

I don't even know his name! And right now i don't even give a shit!!

.... Actually i should probably give a shit! Damn it! I knew i should have look at the man that defeated Neo further! But nooo, as soon as i get my ass beat by the girls back then, Cinder quickly told me to get my ass to the sticks. Sending me to one nowhere after another! She doesn't even show up and tell it to my face herself. She send some intermediary to tell it for her! Oh that, seriously grinds my gears!

And now thanks to her, my ass have to pay for it!

I look ahead and see him stood there, standing all cool and shit..! Shirtless, with his sword resting on his shoulder and everything..! Acting as if he've won already..!

..... And if i think about it, he did won didn't he?!! He destroyed everytthii-iii-iiinggg!! Shiiiittttttttt..!!!!!

It's not fair! Not fair at all! This time i got every advantage! And i still lose?!!! That's bullshit!!!

"So..! Roman..! I'm assuming that i've secured my place in that oh so busy schedule of yours?" He asked me.

Oh very funny, smartass..! You think you're funny?!

..... It kinda is. Sounds like something i would have said.

"... I'm guessing you wouldn't like it if i asked for a raincheck?" I asked.

"Might snap your neck, yeah" he respond.

Shit..!! My beautiful neck..!! That is like my fourth favorite part of my body..!

I forced a smile.

"Ah well then... i guess i'll be taking that beer if you don't mind. Maybe some wine if you have some"

Whatever. Nothing i can do about it now. What's done is done. I have to think about how to get myself out of this one.

I need to bide time... And i think i know what i need to do. One last card to play: The grimms.

They should be coming any time now. I need to stall time. I'm sure even this guy would get busy from the amount of Grimms that will come..! They will even keep those 4 girls over there busy..!

That said i'm kinda wondering how the hell those 4 get there in the first place! At this point i feel like they will appear out of thin air whenever the opportunity to ruin my day arise!

But, fine, whatever!

In any case, when they are busy with the grimms, we will then make our move..!! Maybe i'll even shoot at them a little. In the hope i will blow one of their brains out..!!

I look ahead and just then i see a sickening smile forms on his lips.

The hell is with that smile? He's planning something.

As i think about what i need to do to bide my time. I blink once. And i feel a soft gust of wind.

And when i open my eyes, he have dissapeared.

Before i can even turn my head to look for him. I hear the sound of glass shattering.

I look at Neo and i see him, his sword have been swung. A wide smile on his lips.

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