Dance [3]

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Cinder Fall POV


I am currently entering an elevator, with a man named Y/n L/n a so called 'Doctor' of this school. A nickname that he was stuck with, or so i've been told.

How exactly did this happen? I was just minding my own business. And then he just called out to me suddenly, and one thing led to another, and now he suddenly accompanied me.

And to make it worst..

"Anyway, i would loooveee!! To meet your team members. Introduce me to them" he said as he press the top floor button of the elevator.

Introduce me to them, he says. He's not even 'asking'. He is 'demanding' it.

What is with the attitude of this man?

The elevator door closes down.

Hrmm... In any case, since we are going to the same place. And now that i have said that i have no date. Technically i have no real reason to refuse him. Also, i have a feeling that he'll just force himself on us anyway.

Hm... What is he after?

"....... Sure. That's not a problem. But may i ask why would you do that?" I asked him.

He couldn't have figured out my plan could he? No... it's impossible. I've carried out my plans flawlessly so far. He couldn't have known. And if he do know, there's no way me and the rest would still be in this school. We would have all run away, or have been captured, or worst.

"Oh i am very bored! And i think you and the company might be interesting. And that's a good way to kill my boredom. And if you guys turn out to be boring. At least you managed to kill my time. And today that is something that i don't mind other people kill" Was his response.

"Ah i see.." She nodded to herself.

Interesting? He said we are interesting? Why? Neither Mercury or Emerald have ever told me about their encounter with this man. I, myself, have never even interacted with this man before this very moment! Why would he suddenly finds us interesting?! None of us have ever interac-

And then suddenly an information resurface in my mind.

....Neo!!! That's right. She have told me that she engage in combat with this man and lost. And Neo is here as the 4th member of my team! Could he be unto me because of that?

But that's impossible. Neo use her power to disguise herself, and whenever she does she is unrecognisable! There is no possible way for him to notice that Neo have infilitrated this school with us.

And also, there is the fact that she rarely goes out in public the first place. With these facts in mind. 

He couldn't have noticed her. He couldn't have! ....At least if i think of it logically...hmm......

...If i recall correctly through rumors, news, and hearsay about this man. Some of them did say that this man have an 'animal like instinct'.

Just like a prey that can feel that it is being watched by it's hunter.

Am i seeing that very instinct right now?

...No..... no, calm down, me. Even if he do notice. There is no reason, presented, that says that he knows that Neo is on MY team. And also seeing as how quick he is on my tail. If he indeed HAVE noticed Neo. This man would have acted quickly on the spot and go after Neo. And i would not have have faced this trouble today.

"Sorry, i just thought that you come out a bit too strong here. And i just wondered why" I said in a light hearted tone.

"Ah, many people have said that to me. But don't worry, i don't mean anything by it. And also, you should note that that everyone would warm up to me eventually. So... you know, you'll get used to it"

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