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I moved my eyes to the side to see the loud kid, Hercules, staring at me. He didn't notice I knew he was staring so I went back to pretending to read my book. I must admit, Herc was definitely a looker. However I knew we could never date, not only are we two different species, but I also had to much to worry about. Like survival. Mystics are hunted down and killed every second. I couldn't let that happen to me or Alex. We had to much to live for.

"Do you see that loud kid staring at me?"  I asked Alex telepathically. We didn't look at each other and both pretended to read so we could avoid conversation.

"Yeah...Why?" Alex responds, slightly looking up at me, "Does it bother you?"

"No, I just wish we didn't have to live in the shadows like this. He is cute but I could never go out with him." I respond with a hint of sadness in my mind.

"Yeah... I get it." Alex nods.

"Is it John mon ami?" I ask. He nods and I smile, "You two would be cute together Alex."

"Thanks...I guess...But it would never work out." Alex responds looking back down towards his book.

Before I could respond, Washington quiets the class as the bell rang. Alex and I turned off our mind link so we could listen. School was going to be hard as hell.



I hope Laf didn't notice me staring. I tried to pay attention during the class but he was so pretty. I've known I was bi for a while now, but I always thought I would end up with a woman in the end. If I got lucky though I would end up with the beautiful man next to me.

A few more classes past I had the one before lunch with Laf and offered to walk to lunch with him. He nodded and we met Alex and John there. Alex and John had their class before lunch together as well.

We walked over to where the Schuyler sisters were sitting. If Alex and Laf were going to be our friends then they would have to know them to.

Sorry for the short point of view but I want the meeting of the Schuyler sisters to be from Alex's or Lafs POV


Herc and John walked over to sit by three girls. As we followed, I noticed that the girls weren't human, however, they weren't mystic either. There is something weird about these three. I looked over at Laf and he noticed this too.

"Alex, Laf, This is Angelica, Eliza, and Peggy Schuyler," John said motioning his hand towards the three young lady's.

"Alexander Hamilton," I said, "Nice to meet you."

"Angelica," The oldest wearing a pink sundress responded.

"Eliza," The second oldest in jeans and a blue blouse added.

"And Peggy!" The youngest in a yellow hoodie and leggings yelled. Damn she was loud too.

We sat and talked for a while until another person walked up to me and Laf.

"So you two are the new kids huh," Laf and I turned confused by what was happening. This guy is definitely human, and not one of the nicer ones.

"Lay off Thomas," Angelica sneered.

"And what happens if I don't?" He laughs.

"Your face has a meeting with my fist," I respond already telling this guy is bad news.

"I wouldn't mess with him, he can fight, and he can fight well," Laf adds, also wanting to get rid of this guy. However he also didn't want any fighting so he help tightly to my arm.

Mystics lesson: we can hit hard and barley take damage. I could punch this guy across the room with one hit while barley feeling it in my hand. I won't in the middle of the cafeteria with all this humans watching, but I definitely could.

"This short stack? Ha good luck with that!" Thomas sneered.

"Fine, but I don't want to hear you crying to your mommy about broken bones. Have at him Alex," Laf responds while releasing his hold on my arm.

"He couldn't break anyth-" Thomas starts before I punch him in the gut. I quickly grab hold of his arm and bend it behind his back I hold it in a chicken wing as tight as possible.

"I may be small but I am NOT weak!" I yell while still holding his arm behind his back. His elbow almost parallel to his neck. I loosen my grip on him letting him release from my grasp. He stands there, "Unless you want me to do that agian I suggest you run."

He runs away while I sit back down. Everyone except Laf is shocked about what I just did. Laf just smiled.

"Well, you're definitely apart of this group now!" Angelica yells in delight, "Anyone who can kick Thomas's ass and live to tell the story is definitely a friend of ours!"

The bell rings and we all head to our next class, french. Needless to say, I did not belive class could ever be this bad.


Hey guys so uh... I just started writing this and my friend was asking if he could read it. I sent it to him and uh I'm worried about that. I can't write very well and I'm scared he will use it against me. He probably won't but it is always a possibility. Anyways, after the next few chapters I probably won't update daily but I will for the first like 6-7 chapters because I wrote all that over the weekend. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

- Heaven

Mystics [Lams & Mullette] [Hamilton High School AU]Where stories live. Discover now