And Thats The End PLEASE READ

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And just like that it's over.

Thank you for reading this far.

It honestly means a lot.

I had a lot of fun writing this story and I hope you enjoyed reading. After all I put them through I couldn't end it with separating them.

I will not be writing a sequel [maybe] but if you did enjoy my writing I have a Hamilton Harry Potter AU coming out soon if you'd be interested in that. Also if you want maybe I can write a Mystics one shots book. But that's only if you want it.

I hope you enjoyed this story. I will post my meet the characters chapter for my Harry Potter AU Wednesday April 29th at exactly noon U.S. Mountain Standard Time If you don't know what time that is for you you can follow me and I will make an announcement an hour before I post it and another when I have posted it.

I hope to see you guys there.

Until my next story,

Au revoir mes anges!

- Heaven

Mystics [Lams & Mullette] [Hamilton High School AU]Where stories live. Discover now