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One more chapter after this one =(


I knew that I knew if from somewhere but now that I know I wish I didn't. I didn't want that information and now I want it to go away. I still don't want to know that information.

I think about this all night and eventually its morning and the guy comes to run his experiments on my and Alex. Honestly at this point we just let him. It's easier that way.

He does experiments testing reflexes, senses, and magical ability but in a more demented way that a docter would.

We let him. All while doing this he taunts us about what he did. About why we are in foster care. About why he took their lives. My parents. Alex's mother.

He killed the three of them for existing and sooner or later he might do the same to be and Alex. Honestly we won't try to stop him.

After about an hour of abuse and torcher Alex and I are about to pass out from pain, and we don't care. He throws us back in the room and everything goes dark.


After the guy left Martha starts explaining what he did. What that horrible murderous beast did to Alex and Laf and their families.

He killed them. Alex's mom and Lafs parents. In front of them. When they were 10 years old. They were 10 and had to deal with watching the people that gave them life die at the hands of selfish humans.

No wonder mystics stay in the dark.

An hour later Alex and Laf are brought back into the room unconscious. That's when Martha snaps.

"Okay that's it!" She yells, "We are getting out of here!"

"What? How?" I ask.

"Girls do any of you have a metal piece in your bra?" She asks. Nope I want out of this conversation. [Me: is female. Also me: doesn't know what the metal thing is called]

"Yeah I do. Why?" Maria questions.

"I need you to take it out," Martha says.

"O-okay," she mumbles and without hesitation she takes it out, handing it to Martha.

Martha then uses it and she unlocks the shock collar around her neck. She moves towards her husband and removes his too. She removes Alex's and Lafs and throws the metal thing on the ground.

George stands up and punches the window paine breaking it. He also removes the screen. The window is big enough for us to get through but it might be difficult when two people of our party is out cold.

But we manage. And we leave.

Mystics [Lams & Mullette] [Hamilton High School AU]Where stories live. Discover now