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"Do we have to do this Laf?" I asked Laf using our mind linking abilities. You see, mystics can talk to each other telepathically, that's an easy way for a mystic to tell if someone is human or mystic. Humans don't have the ability to talk through the mind and it honestly confuses me how they have lasted this long.

"Yes mon ami, it's for the greater good for us to learn how humans work. For their sake and ours," Laf responds telepathically. When mystics talk about stuff that a human wouldn't think about they talk about it telepathically, like going to school for the first time in your life.

Laf and I have never been to school and we were starting freshman year, and no we aren't behind. Washington is a teacher and knows what we would have been learning and thought us from home. We are actually ahead of our classmates, other than of course never stepping foot into a school before.

"Right around the corner Alex," Laf says, "Start talking out loud once we turn"

We turned the corner and turned off our mind link. I could tell by the look on his face he was just as nervous as I was. Hopefully we didn't get caught.

"Ready mon ami," Laf ask as we walk towars the building.

"Ready as I'll ever be," I respond.

We walk towards the building and as we walk up a couple people jump onto our backs.

"What the hell!" I yell trying to elbow the guy off me, as Laf tried to shake the other guy off him. Once we got them off of us, Laf and I turn to see the two boys.

"Sorry about that! We wanted to introduce ourselves! My name is Hercules Mulligan, but you can call me Herc, and this is my friend John Laurens!" The tall guy that jumped on Laf yelled. Humans.

The guy next to him, John, holds out him hand for us to shake. He was kind of cute but there is no way I could date him. Even if we were of the same species he would never date someone as broken as me.

"Alexander Hamilton, but I like to go by Alex," I respond pointing towards Laf, "This is my foster brother Laffayette."

"You can call me Laf if you'd like," Laf adds.

"What grade are the two of you in?" John ask.

"Freshman," I respond, "What about you?"

"Same man!" Hercules yells. Hes loud, and yells a lot. Do all humans do this?

"You need to be a bit quieter Herc, your talking really loudly," John says.

Another lesson about mystics, our senses are heightened so we hear, see, and smell better than humans do. [Like they can smell things better] So what sounds normal to Herc and John, sound loud to me and Laf. So if John heard Herc as loud, we heard him as screaming.


We began to walk inside quietly. Alex and Laf seemed nice but they also seemed suspicious, like they were hiding something. Man I gotta say though, Alex is kinda cute.

"Well if your freshman we might have some classes together," I say grabbing my schedule from my pocket, "What classes do you guys have first?"

"English," Alex, and Laf all responded at once.

"Great! That's what Herc and I have too! We will show you the way," I responded l, maybe a bit to excited. Herc seemed excited about it too, he looked at Laf the whole time though. Ooohhh someone has a crush. Of course, I also seemd to have one but I'm not making it as obvious as Herc is, but Laf and Alex didn't seem to notice. They seemed more uncomfortable than anything. I wonder why?

When we walked into the English class we saw Mr. Washington sitting at his desk in the front of the room. Alex and Laf seemed to know who he was. We all took a seat in the back of the room.

"Do you guys know the teacher?" Herc ask in a whisper-yell.

"Yeah," Alex responded.

"How?" I ask.

"He is our foster dad," Laf responds not looking up from the book that layed open on his desk.

"Really?" Herc ask. Both Alex and Laf nod, they seemed kind of annoyed by all the questions. "Cool." Herc mumbles before ending the conversation and lowkey staring at Laf again. Damn they would be a cute couple.


Hello I hope you guys liked the first chapter. I don't really know where I'm going with this story just yet but I'll figure something out, hopefully. Anyway, as the story goes on I will introduce more characters like Maria, James Reynolds, Thomas, Madison, and I hope to find a way to get Seabury and King George in the story to. As the chapters come out tell me how you would like them to be introduced or when. Au revoir mon amis, I hope you enjoy.

- Heaven

Mystics [Lams & Mullette] [Hamilton High School AU]Where stories live. Discover now