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I don't know who you are but thank you. You have no idea how much this means to me.


I had Alex laying in my lap while Laf laid in Hercs. They were just brought, or thrown, back in. Martha said they might be out for a while.

I was guessing it was late at night because no one came back except to give us a bit of food and water. Definitely not enough for 12 people though. We split the food and water evenly and saved some for Alex and Laf. Originally they didnt bring any for them. I wonder why?

A few hours earlier I realize why. The sun comes up and we see there is a small window in the room we are being held in, giving us a better view of the room. Alex and Laf still haven't woken up.

"Why did they choose them to torcher?" I asks. It's been bugging me since they were brought back in.

"They are two of the most powerful mystics known. They wanted to test that," Washington replies non-chanticly.

"Wow. Really?" Herc responds.

"Yeah," Martha says, "When mystics die their powers get sent to their families. Alex and Lafs biological family's are all dead so they have all those powers."

"That's... depressing..." Eliza mumbles.

"Most lives for mystics are," Washington responds.

A guy walked in but we didn't notice until he said something.

"Still unconscious?" He huffs.

"Do I know you?" Martha says, eyes shining with familiarly.

Alex and Laf wake up slowly but quickly race behind me and Herc after they see that a guy walked in.

"Oh they're awake," he says Alex holds on to my shoulders tighter. The guy writes something down.

"She asked you a question I suggest you answer it," I say trying to get the attention away from Alex and Laf.

"You probably do know me. I've killed a whole lot of mystics including the one found behind the theater a week or so ago," he laughs. A slight whine comes from Alex.

"Be ready you two the next session is in an hour," he says pointing at Alex and Laf. Then he leaves closing the door behind him.

"I don't want to go back," Alex whispers behind me. I see Laf shaking his head.

"What happened?" I ask pulling Alex into my lap.

"I don't know but it hurt," Laf responds quietly.

"Alex, was that person behind the theater actually your brothers friend?" Eliza asks.

"Yes and no..." he responds.

"What do you mean by that," Peggy says.

"He was my cousin," Alex mumbles, "But he and my brother were best friends too."

"I'm sorry baby," I say rubbing his back. He almost breaks down again but doesn't.


This is the big depressing and I feel bad. Also this story might be ending soon but I'm not sure... depends on how it continues.

Mystics [Lams & Mullette] [Hamilton High School AU]Where stories live. Discover now