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As promised heres the update.


"Its already getting harder to keep this a secret Alex," I say. I just wanted to start a conversation and this is the first thing I thought of.

"Yeah I know, but we have to. For their safety and ours," Alex responds.

"What do you mean? What would happen to them if they found out?" I ask. I knew it would impact us a great deal but why would it impact them. [Sorry I'm using the word impact so much. I don't know if it would be affect or effect in this situation and I'm to lazy to look it up]

"I was talking to John earlier. Turns out his dad works for the M.R.S." Alex responds, looking upset. Damn now it would be even worst if they tried to date.

"That sucks man I'm sorry," I respond sympathetically.

"Its fine, I mean it isnt like we could date anyway." Alex responds. I could tell he was upset anyway.

Time skip because I need to go to school 😩😒

We got home and walked upstairs. It was quiet as normal considering there wasn't any people here so we could talk telepathically. Not that there was anything to talk about though. Alex and I had homework to do so we both walked into Alex's room and pulled out our laptops.

Another time skip because ew homework

We finished and put our laptops away. All we really had to do was write an essay which must have taken longer than we thought because Martha was calling us down for dinner.

"Boys its dinner time," She yelled.

"Coming," we yelled in response. We ran downstairs and sat down for dinner. As Martha was playing and setting food we got into the normal conversation about how our days went. It was pretty boring until Washington asked something we all feared.

"Are the humans on to us?" He asked and we all fell silent. Well, mentally.

"We don't belive they are, but if they are they hide it well," Alex responded breaking the silence.

"Let's hope they aren't, moving again would make us look suspicious, more than just us being a quiet family to human ears," Martha added.

We had nothing against humans, other than the fact they hunt us. However not all humans are bad. Like Herc and John, and maybe the Schuyler sisters but I don't think they're human, and Alex doesn't seem to either.

Putting that aside we can figure more out about them later.


It still kinda hurt that John was related to a guy hunting us but John won't go down that same path. It just isn't who he is. John wants to do Marine Biology and hang out with turtles. I want to help him do that even if I get caught in the process. I won't let his horrible father drag John into his mistake. No way in hell.

We continued to eat our dinner in silence having nothing else to talk about. After we finished Laf and I helped clean up. Then we went upstairs to play some video games. We played minecraft and talked for a little bit.

A little later we went for bed. Getting ready for a new day pretending to be normal.


Hey sorry for the smaller chapter I didn't really know what to do with this one. Hopefully I can make up for it with my next one. Which I have something big in mind for...

Anyway! Thanks for reading. Can't wait for you guys to read tomorrow's (and the day after that) chapter. All I'm going to say is they are much longer than normal. Au revoir!!

- Heaven

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