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After dinner we went back up to play games some more. After about 10:45 we decided to call it quits for the night. Laf led the girls to their room and I led the boys to theirs. Little did they know Laf and I didn't go to our rooms just yet.

"We are so sorry we didn't know they were planning to stay the night, they never told us about this!" I yelled as we walked into the living room.

"Yeah we are just as surprised as you we never expected for them to want to spend the night!" Laf added.

"Relax boys we know," Martha responded calmly.

"We know they never originally told you they were going to spend the night," Washington added never looking up from the book he was reading.

"Now go to bed you have school in the morning" Martha said. With that we ran upstairs to go to sleep.


I woke up the next morning forgetting that our friends were still here.

I got dressed quickly and walked downstairs for breakfast.

"Morning everyone," I said telepathically.

"Hey Alex!" John yelled.

"Good Morning!" The Schuyler sisters said in unison. I was taken back a bit and replied out loud remembering they spent the night.

"Morning," I said sitting down.

"Dont worry mon ami I did it too. They wake up early," Laf says. I begin eating my breakfast before I run back upstairs to finish getting ready.


After we finish eating we run upstairs to finish getting ready. I brushed my teeth and took out my journal. I began writing about what happened yesterday. How I made new friends, how I hope new said friends don't find out about me and my family. I didn't want to run away again. I liked it here. For the first time, someone other than who lived under the same roof paid attention to me. Its nice...

After about 5 minutes of writing I close my journal and put it in my bag. I slung my bag over my shoulder and ran downstairs to go to school. Laf was already down there and our friends were behind me. Time for another day pretending to be human.


We walked in a group to our school. Yesterday was weird, we've never had humans in our house before let alone over night. They could be on to us, maybe that's why they didn't originally ask to spend the night, but I kind of doubt it. But no matter how much I doubt it, it's never impossible. Let's just hope they aren't. It sucks having to move and it's quite nice where we are now, so it would be nice to stay. However if they were to find out we would be out before you could say, Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Laffayette. [Which if you think about it takes a while to say but that's not the point]

We walked into the school pretty quiet like we were on the way here. Well Alex and I were quiet, John, Herc and the Girls chatted up a storm behind us, luckly not trying to include us in the conversation.

"Do you think they wanted to spend the night because they are on to us?" I asked Alex.

"I hope not, I like it here," he responded bluntly.

"Me too, I don't want to move again," I cry.

"Which is why we have to seem as human as possible Laf, We can't let them find out we are mystics, and powerful ones at that," Alex responds before disconnecting the mind link. Right...No talking telepathically. God this is going to take a while to get used to.


Filler chapter so it was kinda boring but you know that happens sometimes. Anyway, Maria and James Reynolds, next chapter I promise. My friend hasn't read it yet and I'm kinda dreading when he does but it's his choice if he want to read this crap. Anyway, special chapter coming out in a few days so get ready. Au revoir!!

- Heaven

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