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We walked into the school building and we all turned our separate ways to head to our lockers. Laf and I turned right, John and Herc turned left, and the Schuyler Sisters kept going forward. It was weird knowing that I was friends with humans.

My mind kept going back to the conversation I had with Laf earlier. What if they find out. We would run, probably to another country or at the very least another state. They can't find out. If it comes down to it- no. There is always another choice. They can't know under any circumstances.

Laf and I got to our lockers. We were lucky enough to have them next to each other. We were about to meet John and Herc in english.

Time Skip because idk what to do and class is stupid.

John an I began walking to the cafeteria. School was super boring today and we were barley half way done. We sat down by the Schuylers, Laf and Herc.

"How was classes so far," Herc asked trying to break the awkward silence that was between the nine of us. Before we could answer there was screaming from across the lunch room.

"Leave me alone!" A girl yelled.

"No we are not breaking up I don't care if you want to!" A guy yells in response.

We run over to try and see what's going on. Laf and I break them apart. While a teacher drags the guy away, we talk to the crying girl.

"T-thanks," she mumbles, "M-my name is M-maria."

"My name is Laffayette but you can call me Laf, and this is my foster brother Alex," Laf responds.

"Who was that guy?" I ask.

"His name is J-james, he was my boyfriend. I wanted to end it because he was abusing me," Maria responds crying.

"Well he isn't going to anymore mon ami," Laf says, "Would you like to sit with us and our friends?"

"T-that would be nice," Maria responds standing up, "T-thank you."

"No need to thank us, it's what anyone in their right mind would do," I respond helping her up.

We walk back to sit by our friends with Maria.

"Maria what happened!" Peggy screams standing to comfort Maria. So they're friends.

"J-james," was all Maria got out before she began to cry again.

"Oh my god please tell me that was you two breaking up," Peggy cries as she holds Maria close.

"Y-yeah it was. If Alex and Laf didn't show up he would have hit me again," Maria adds as she cries into Peggy's shoulder.

"Good thing they showed up then huh," Peggy said still holding Maria but giving me and Laf a grateful look.

After about 5 more minutes the bell rang and we all walked to French. Turns out Maria was in that class too.

We sat in the back again, Laf and I hoping for a substitute but we didn't get that lucky. Once again Adams rambled on about us being "foster brats" and we just ignored him. If we ignore him and get our work done maybe he will leave us alone.


The bell rang signaling the end of the day. We all walked to our lockers and put away our books. Before leaving we all met at the front of the school. After talking for about 10 minutes we all turned our separate ways to head home. Just like when we went to our lockers. Herc and I left, Alex and Laf right, and the Schuyler sisters forward. However this time the Schuylers also walked with Maria.

After walking with Herc for a little, he finally broke the silence.

"Do you like that new kid?" He asked.

I laughed, "Which one?"


I felt my face grow hot as I blush and I wisper, "M-maybe." It doesn't matter, I like him but he would never go out let alone like a guy like me.

"Oh my god man you do!" Herc exclaims.

"Okay I do. Now it's your turn. Do you like Laf?" I ask trying to change the subject.

"Yeah, I guess," he responds as his face falls into a blush.

"OH MY GOD! I SHIP IT!" I yell.

"Oh my god your such a child," He whispers as he turns away.

"Hey you're the one that started this conversation. If anyone is the child its you," I respond still amused from the reaction I got from him.

"Fine we are both children. Deal?" Herc laughs.

"Deal," I respond ending this stupid conversation.


Okay so I'm posting this chapter before I go to school because I'm going to my friends house after school and won't have time to post it. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I can't wait to continue the story. (Chapter 8 & 9 are big ones) and with that, Au revoir! I will see you all tomorrow mon amis!

- Heaven

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