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A.Ham added Biguette, TurtleBoi, and IrishTailor to the group

A.Ham renamed the group to Double Date Plans

A.Ham: Hhiii

TurtleBoi: Hello

IrishTailor: What's up

Biguette: When are we going to have this date??

TurtleBoi: Oh yeah we never planned that did we?

A.Ham: No. No we did not.

IrishTailor: Aww did someone get to excited for the date to plan it?

TurtleBoi: Yeah Herc, Everyone in this group chat did (Including you)

IrishTailor: Do NOT call me out in such a way!!

A.Ham: Kinda to late for that Herc...

IrishTailor: Oh shut up Hamilton

TurtleBoi: Does Saturday at 2 work? We can go to the movies?

A.Ham: Works for me

Biguette: Yeah okay

IrishTailor: Okay then. Movies at two on Saturday got it.

Laf and I put our phones down and walked downstairs for lunch.

"So are you going to answer my question from last night?" Washington asks.

"Saturday and 2, Movies," I respond.

"Okay," Martha responds, "But you will have to make up your training."

Training. I didn't think about that.

"Couldn't we just do training before we leave?"

"Sure if you want to be tired for your date."

Once again. Didn't think about that...

"Yeah okay, we will make it up," Laf cuts in, "Now can we just lunch in peace?"

We all stopped talking and went back to our food.


Short filler chapter and I'm sorry but I feel bad that I haven't updated in over a week. I don't know when my next update will be but I hope you enjoyed this chapter even if it was short. Also if you like ghost stories I suggest you check out my story: Class With Nevvy. I wrote it with my friend and it was originally a school assignment from last year but we continued it anyway. Au revoir.

- Heaven

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