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A couple days after Alex talked to Washington pretty much everything went back to normal. Alex started eating with us and talking again. Hes still sad obviously but he isnt closing himself off anymore so that's good.

The Schuyler Sisters, George, Samuel, Herc, Maria and I are all meeting up at Alex and Lafs place for a few hours.

When we got there Alex opened the door.

"Hey!" Alex yells as he opens the door.

"Hey! How are you?" I ask pulling Alex into a quick hug.

"Better," Alex responds as we walk inside.

"Lllaaaafffffff!!" Alex yells, "They're hheeerrreeee."

Laf come running downstairs nearly tripping on a few of the steps.

"Hiiii!" Laf yells after he barely makes it safely down the stairs.

"Why did you almost die on the stairs?" Herc asks as he hugs Laf.

"They were cleaned earlier today and are slippery. I almost slipped when I went to open the door," Alex responds.

"So what do you guys want to do?" Eliza ask trying to change the subject from rogue stairs.

"Games," Herc says as he starts running upstairs.

"Games it is," Laf responds following Herc to the game room.

Alex just shrugs and makes his way upstairs. The rest of us follow.


"Laf that's going to kill you," I say as Laf explains why he can launch himself in the air with a flamethrower. [If you've seen ryguyrocky minecraft life which you probably haven't you would know where that idea came from. It's a long story...]

"Non, this will work perfectly."

"Yeah if you want to roast yourself alive," I say sarcastically.

"Non look mon ami," Laf says as he aims his flamethrower towards the ground.

"Oh look at that you died. Shocker," I mumble. After Lafs character burns and dies.

"Oh shut up," Laf responds throwing the controller on the ground.

"Why did you think that was going to work?" John asks smirking.

"Babe, nothing about that screams that it'll work," Herc laughs.

Suddenly everyone breaks into a huge fit of laughter. Except Laf who's still pouting about his stunt not working.

After about 20 minutes of laughing at Laf being burned alive in a video game, Martha calls us down for dinner and we race downstairs to the dining room.

ANGELICA POV (Oh? New one!)

After we get downstairs Martha hands out plate to all of us and we talk about non sense for a while.  That was until someone knocked at the door.

"Are we expecting anyone else for dinner?" Mr. Washington asks sounding, scared?

"No we aren't. Not that I know of anyway," Martha responds. Both Washingtons look towards Alex and Laf who just shake their heads.

"Ignore it then. They will-" Washington says, but is cut off by someone breaking down the door.

The intruders race into the kitchen holding guns and other weapons.

"This is the M.R.S.! Mystics hands in the air now!" One of them yells.

"Sir I think you've made a mistake. Theres no-" I'm cut of by Alex, Laf, and the Washingtons standing up putting their hands in the air.

Oh. My. God.


Ahhhh!!! New Problem!!! They've been bUsTeD!!! What happens next? Well to be completely honest I don't know so I'm gonna go write it. Au revoir mes anges!!

- Heaven

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