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As we walked to french class we all sat in one large group at the back of the class. We were all having a small conversation about who knows what when the teacher walked into the class. Not only was Thomas in this class but so was the meanest man I have ever met. Granted I havent met a lot of people but he was still the worst.

"Oh I should probably tell you," John said pulling me and Laf closer, "Adams has a bit of a vendetta against foster children, and he reads all his students files."

Laf and I looked at eachother nervously, we turned on our mind link.

"Dude he know were foster kids! Now not only do we have to deal with people not finding out about us, but we also have to deal with a teacher of all people yelling at us for being fosters!" I yell at Laf mentally.

"I know mon ami but we can't let monsuir Adams get to us. He isn't worth it anyway." Laf responds calmly, though I know he is just as frightened as I am.

"We have some new kids joining us today class," Adam's sneers as Laf and I turn off our mind link, "And not only are they new but they are also fosters."

The class began laughing. I don't know why two kids being adopted after something happened to their biological parents was funny but apparently it was.

"So the new kids don't have actual family," Thomas laughs. I'm starting to hate this kid more and more every second.

"Yes Thomas, both of our parents died and we were put into foster care. Someone adopted us so we would have a place to live. They started sending us to school here where we get to pretend to care about what you have to say," I sarcastically respond, "Spoiler alert Thomas but no one actually cares."

My friends start laughing while Adams stares at us from the front of the room with a shocked expression on his face.

After a while Adams quiets the class and goes through with the lesson. The bell rings and we go to our next few classes for the day.



Alex and I begin to walk home. We said bye to our new friends once we got to the gate around the school and we all headed our different directions.

"Today was a weird day wasn't it?" Alex ask.

"Yeah, and now we have to go deal with training," I respond.

"Ugh we can't get off for one day? I'm tiirrreeeddd," Alex yawns.

"I can tell. We can see if we can get off for one day. Honestly it was kinda draining," I respond also yawning. We walked silently the rest of the way home.


Once we got home Alex and I could tell Washington was in his office. He was typing so we knew he was working but we needed to talk to him, so we knocked on the door to his office.

"Come in boys," Washington responded. We usually talked telepathically at home.

"Hey dad," both Alex and I said as we opened the door and sat down.

"What's going on?" Washington asked.

"We were wondering if we could get the day off for training..." Alex asked, expecting him to say no.

"Sure, I have been thinking that's once you started school we would only have training over the weekends," Washington responds not looking up from his computer screen, "Go have fun with your new friends boys."


Happy that we got the response we wanted, we started texting our friends. They added us to a group chat after school.

Biguette: Hey our dad said we could hang out today if you guys want.

TurtleBoi: Sure can everyone meet up at your house?

A.Ham: You want to meet up here?

NvrSatisfied: Yeah, it's kinda tradition to meet up and the newbies house and since you to live together it should work out perfectly.

IrishTailor: Comeon guys itll be fun!!

Biguette: Okay let me ask...

Laf runs downstairs to ask Washington if our friends could come over.

"Yes but under one condition. Speak out loud, no telepathic speaking, we can't get caught."

A.Ham: He said you guys could come over.

Helple$$: Yyaaayyy meet you guys there in 20 minutes?

AndPeggy: See you all there!!

About 20 minutes later the doorbell rang.

"Out loud until they leave boys, I'm not kidding," Washington says before opening the door. We turn off the mind link and rush to meet up with our friends.


Hey guys! I know this chapter was posted earlier than it normally is but that's only because I'm sick so don't get used to it. I honestly forgot what this chapter was about because I wrote it a couple days ago so I went and reread it and honestly I forgot how horrible Adams is in this story, which I guess I made him that way but he was a dick so whatever. Anyway I don't actually know if my friend ever ended up reading it because I didn't get the chance to ask him due to being sick but I'll text him when he gets out of school. Au revoir!

- Heaven

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