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With every chord I string,
The notes carry your name,
If not for you,
Nothing will ever be the same.

It's a good thing, I arrived on time for my class

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It's a good thing, I arrived on time for my class. There are few students chatting amongst themselves, whilst I take a seat next to the window. Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath, the mixture of the saltiness in the air from the sea, soothes my aching heart.

Who is that man?

"Hi" a soft voice breaks me from my reverie and I look up to a smiling face "is this seat taken?"

I smile back "Nope, feel free" he nods "Gamsahabnida*" taking his seat he turns to me "Hey, my name is Eli and yours?"

"Yibo" I smirk "Wang Yibo" and he laughs.

"So Yibo, Wang Yibo" he grins "where are you from?"

"Luoyang, China" I bring my hand forward to shake his "what about you Eli?"

"Seoul" he shakes my hand and somewhere I just knew, this friendship of ours is going to be special "So, Yibo what instruments do you play?"

"Ah, I play the Violin and Piano. What about you?"

"I play the cello" his eyes warms up and before we could exchange more pleasantries, the teacher enters and we turn ahead to pay attention.

But today, for some reason, my mind wanders back to the man in that room. Who was he?

"Hey Yibo" Eli calls for my name "what's your plan for today?"

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"Hey Yibo" Eli calls for my name "what's your plan for today?".

"I have a practice session later today and by the time I'd get done, it would be pretty late" I take out my phone "why don't you give me your number and we'll catch up for tomorrow's breakfast?"

"Perfect" with a smile we exchange our numbers and then he wishes me a good day and walks away.

I look around and sigh with content. Walking towards my practice session, I am happy that today has been nearly perfect. First day and I already made a friend. What I never realised was, it would be by the end of today, that I'd meet him too.

By the time I play the last chord and open my eyes, there are thousands of stars shining in front of me

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By the time I play the last chord and open my eyes, there are thousands of stars shining in front of me. I never realised that it was way late into the evening. Playing my passion, I often reach a trance when I loose focus and time around me.

"That was beautiful" a voice from behind compliments me and I let out a small yelp. Taming my heart, never expected someone to be here, I turn around and my heart falters.

"I am sorry" I see him smile "I didn't mean to scare you" he walks into the room slowly "I just never expected someone to be here at this time" he stands a little afar from me, his smile still in its place "normally, it's just me who practices in this room all alone".

I look around, agreed it was the same room from before, when I saw that man playing. I couldn't resist, I knew this is the place where I could recreate my magic.

"I apologise" I look down at my feet, embarrassed that I used this place without permission "it was empty and earlier before..." I trail off "anyways, I'll leave you at peace" I take a step back when his smile falters "no, please continue, the way you play is seamless" he pauses and smiles again "it just needs a little more direction".

"Direction? How?" I enquire.

Placing the violin box gently by his feet, taking out his Violin carefully, tuning them to perfection, his bow caresses the strings and I gasp inwardly.

He is the same man I saw earlier today. My ears can never lie to me. This moves, his transition, his poise they're all the same.

It's him and he's playing the same piece I was playing earlier. It's true, when he plays, I understand where I am at fault.

Once he stops, I smile "that was beautiful, could you teach me, those transition that you used?"

He nods and very slowly he walks over to where I am "Could you play that part?" He requests and I play.

Walking even more closer to me, I realise that something isn't right. The way he is looking away from the strings as he slowly brings his hand closer to mine and feels for my fingers. Placing my mid finger on one of the higher base strings he smiles when he adjusts them to his liking.

Looking away from me, he smiles again "there, now it should be perfect" his eyes slowly tries to seek where I am and I realise, the man in front of me, is no ordinary man. He is infact visually challenged.

"What is your name, sir?" I ask with my heart beating erratically.

"Xiao Zhan" he smiles sweetly and as the starshine from beyond reflects back in his eyes, I knew, the man in front of me is no ordinary man.

In his own world of Black, he was the brightest shining star.

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*Gamsahabnida: Thank You in Korean

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*Gamsahabnida: Thank You in Korean

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