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This review is kindly written by Ikstrordinari

Book: Black, A Yizhan love story.

This cover is beautiful. One might not like it at first because it's just black and white but that is exactly why it should be loved. It depicts the entire story and the life of Zhan as a whole. One will be shocked to see just how much detail is incorporated into the cover after reading the book. In fact, the description should be enough to get the concept of the cover. It really fits the story and I love it.

The title definitely goes with the story. It's simple and short. A colour which holds many details and power. It's mind blowing. It revolves around the main characters. For one, it's his life and for the other, it's his love. The title alone carries many emotions, the beauty of life, love and passion for what the characters hold dear. This is brilliant and truly heart warming.

It's short and beautiful. You can already get the feels. It's inviting, incredible and the words just draws a reader in like a moth to flame. Especially after the last paragraph. I had already boarded the bus, buckled and ready to go on the journey together with the characters.

Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation:
Grammar is carefully constructed. Beautiful choice of words and little to no spelling mistakes. There's power in your words and it can be felt in every way. Punctuation marks are sometimes omitted and over used in some parts.

Intriguing, intricately written and just beautiful. I don't think I've used the word 'beautiful' so many times like this but that's what your words are. Simply beautiful. Many themes were incorporated. The biggest one being love, can be clearly felt and not only from the characters but the words themselves. It's like the book is speaking to you. Amazing and detailed descriptions that makes it seem like you're not just imagining the characters but you can actually see them.  The passion the Zhan and Yibo share for music is on a whole different level. It's their everything and their love for it can also be felt.

Other themes like insecurity, fear, forgiveness, patience, courage and many others make up the imperfection and relatability of the the characters. It shows how much they've grown since they met.  Individually and as a couple. This book basically shows how powerful love can be. A healthy swoon worthy relationship.

It's also realistic. It resembles real life. The characters react similarly to real people. Even the setting, events and problems mirror real life.

There's humour, mixed with tear triggering events, heart warming dialogues, parts that tug on the heartstrings and places that makes you pick up your fan *winks*.
It's creative, unique and again, beautiful.

I can definitely say that the idea is completely original. Though many may have read books where two people fall in love and it revolves around music but the way this one is depicted is unique. Truly one of a kind.

Paragraphing, Structure of sentences, Capitalisation of nouns, detailed descriptions and poetic writing style are all superb. It's like they're all weaved together with great care and the product is definitely worth everything.

Personal Enjoyment:
I thoroughly love this book. At times, I felt the chapters were too short and kept craving more. Like watching episodes of kdrama. I look forward to reading more of your works!

Black ~ A ¥iZhan Lov€ $toryWhere stories live. Discover now