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When one becomes two,
Souls become we,
When we become three,
It's called a family.

~Two Years Later~

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~Two Years Later~

Wang Yibo's POV:

"Zoo, calm down. Everything will be alright." Appa pats Zhan Ge's tensed shoulders as his gaze meets mine. We were all worried. Appa, Omma, BaBa, MaMa and Mikhail were all present. The next moment Zhan Ge takes my hand in his and squeezes them lightly, more to assure himself that I am next to him.

"I am right here" I whisper just for his ears as he plays with my wedding band. Soon after our wedding, I noticed this new behaviour of Zhan Ge. Whenever he's tensed, he'd either play with my band or his.

I look around and smile at people present in this room. Two years ago everyone were so excited when we announced our engagement. Our parents were ecstatic and immediately started planning our wedding. As for the two of us, we let them take over for whatever they had in mind. BaBa was our designer, Omma took care of our wedding destination and as for Appa, he went outright to dominate every part of the wedding. MaMa was the only one who was calm and that helped us a lot.

We wanted to keep it minimal for sole reason that both of us didn't want any unnecessary drama nor media attention. To register our wedding we flew down to Taiwan and for a private ceremony, we invited very close friends and family. Meeting Suho, Kai, Chen, Teacher Zhang Yixing, it was amazing. Mikhail was Zhan Ge's best man and Eli was mine. Mei was the flower girl.

Our honeymoon lasted for a month and as promised, he traveled with me all the way to Scotland. We learnt how to play bagpipes and Zhan Ge was definitely happy, but moreso he was more ecstatic to play with me. Not to lie the mountains around us would have blushed with the amount of times I would have called, yelled, growled and moaned his name.

Once we came back I completely moved in with Zhan Ge. Appa and Omma were more than happy to have me around them and to be honest, I won't ever admit this to Appa, but I too cannnot live without that man. As for Omma, she's someone who brings us all together.

After my marriage, BaBa and MaMa's visits to South Korea increased and let's just say, with Appa and BaBa around, they found all opportunities to embarrass me. I didn't mind. I am now an expert in giving back some good ones.

As for my condo, it's our scream house. When we're in mood for either of us to scream, we go and play there.

Professionally, Zhan Ge strived hard to bring back XZ Entertainment to its glory. All those who once insulted him, are now seeking his help. As for him, all this never mattered. He is contended with composing and singing music to his heart's desire. The Untamed drama for which we sang it's OST was a turning point for us. It became an overnight sensation all over the world and that brought a lot of light on us. We were accepted by many, condemned by few, but as Zhan Ge preaches to not care a damn for negetivity, we were never bothered about them.

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