part 3

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They were all lounging in the living area, exhausted from a full day of practice and then from having to clean up the space for their guest and Jiwoo. Everybody was on their phones. Jungkook was mindlessly scrolling through Twitter when the doorbell rang. He hopped up to answer as Hoseok exclaimed that his sister was here.

Jungkook walked to open the door in his grey Puma sweats and matching hoodie. He was met at the door by two very short women. Jiwoo greeted him cheerfully and hugged him as she was simultaneously being greeted and pulled inside by the other guys who had excitedly gathered around the front door. The guest that was left behind her was left to face Jungkook alone.

Jungkook's chest grew tight... was his heart.. fluttering? He caught a glimpse of her face beneath her soft bangs and face mask snuggled tight on her face. She only came up to the middle of his chest. He stood there agape, like a teenage boy at the ripe age of 25. Something about her was magnetizing. What felt like an eternity of taking in her beauty was actually just a cool 1.5 seconds as the guest finally spoke up for herself.

"Hello, my name is Min Y/n. It's nice to meet you. Thank you guys for sharing your home with me while I wait for the renovation in my loft to be completed." She bowed towards Jungkook.

She broke the spell with her voice, which, ironically, also put him under a spell.

Snap out of it. You have a girlfriend.

"Ah, hello, I'm Jeon Jungkook. Nice to meet you. Hoseok wasn't able to tell us very much about you, so we hope to get to know you."

Y/n removed her mask and smiled at him with her hand out. That chest tightening came back and he smiled, shook her hand, and excused himself as she was quickly being eaten up by the other members.

"Did you say your name is Min Y/n? Are you related to our Yoongi? Min Yoongi?" Seokjin questioned.

The guys and Y/n laughed as she explained that they were indeed, not related, and just very fortunate to have the same last name.

"If you guys got married then you wouldn't have to change your last name, Min Y/n!" Jimin exclaimed, as Yoongi turned red just the slightest bit.

Jungkook felt a pang of what seemed like jealousy. What was that all about? Why was everybody so focused on Y/n? Why was Jimin imagining her marrying Yoongi?

Why did Jungkook care? He had only seen the girl for all of five minutes and to make it worse, he has a girlfriend.

Jungkook understood he would have to get his feelings gathered because Y/n was going to be living there for a whole month and they would most likely be working together even longer than that.

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