part 16

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He definitely had not expected her to cry. He and his hyungs sat quietly as Y/n and Jiwoo had their moment. Seeing her cry stirred up those already mixed feelings in his head and in his heart. Maybe his gut.

As Jiwoo and Y/n separated, Jungkook gently put his hand on Y/n's shoulder. It was an impulsive act, because as soon as he did it, he wondered why and withdrew his hand as quickly as he put it there.

"Congratulations, Y/n," he smiled at her.

"Thank you, Jungkook. Thank you, all of you, for letting me have this moment in the middle of our lunch, actually," she laughed.

"I am truly excited to be able to not only attend the James Beard Awards Ceremony this year, but I am also nominated and I get to cook for the reception with my own hand-selected team? This is a dream come true for me."

"It says you can have a plus one, Y/n- are you going to take a date?" Jimin inquired innocently.

Y/n laughed through the remaining tears.

"If only I could bring seven dates! However, I don't usually bring a date to these types of things-"

Jiwoo cut her off before she could finish.

"Absolutely not! As your new, pro bono manager, I think you need to bring one of these handsome young men as your date. Not only will it be good publicity for the new restaurant, it will be good publicity for the new series of VLIVE you guys are going to start filming soon."

Y/n opened her mouth to speak in protest, but was once again interrupted- this time by Bangtan's leader, Namjoon.

"Y/n, I think Jiwoo is right. If you don't mind, and it doesn't make you uncomfortable, we can arrange for somebody to go along as your plus one," he suggested.

"Well, the decision has been made, I've already emailed the Director back about your plus one, Y/n," Jiwoo nodded as she typed quickly on her phone.

Jungkook was brimming with excitement over the possibility of being her date.

"Let's get back to eating you guys!" Jiwoo announced.

Everybody filed back into the dining area and re-situated themselves.

"How will we determine who gets to go with Y/n?" Taehyung pouted once they got back to the table.

"I want to go with her! We would look so cute together for the press," Jimin declared.

"Excuse you, clearly she should take me. It would make the best impression. I am Mr. Worldwide Handsome, after all," Jin retorted.

"I already know what she and I will wear, back off hyung," Taehyung snapped back.

"How about you guys play rock, paper, scissor to figure it out?" Y/n suggested.

"That's not fair, because as soon as it's a competition, Jungkook always wins," Hoseok explained as he pointed at Jungkook with his chopsticks.

"I think Jungkook should go," Yoongi stated plainly.

Jungkook was taken aback and choked on the piece of meat he was eating.

"Now that I think about it, it would look really good that our golden maknae go and represent us at this event. It will make the most impact as well," Namjoon reasoned.

Jimin, Jin, and Taehyung began groaning and protesting in unison as everybody continued eating, but Jiwoo was nodding her head in agreement with Namjoon.

Y/n turned towards Jungkook to smile at him.

She really knows how to stop someone's heart.

"Eat well, Jungkook-ah! You're going to have to defend your spot as my date against your hyungs," she laughed as she put more food into the bowl he was holding in his hands.

Wait. Wait. I'm going to be her date.

"We'll have to coordinate your outfits. Aigoo, this adds to such an already packed schedule, Y/n! I'm going to go nuts. We will have to go find outfits soon so we can knock that out and not have to think about it anymore," Jiwoo exasperated.

Everything soon became a blur amidst all the excitement, food, and conversation as everybody argued over what color Y/n and Jungkook should wear.

Before they knew it, they were cleaning up and everybody had long sobered up.

Jungkook somehow got stuck mindlessly washing dishes in the kitchen by himself.

Jiwoo and Hoseok went to go see their parents while Yoongi and Namjoon had retreated to their studios. Jin, Taehyung, and Jimin were all playing games in the entertainment room upstairs.

He had no idea where Y/n had gone.

As if on cue, a small hand touched the center of his back and it felt like his skin was on fire.

How is she always there when I am thinking of her?

"I'm sorry, they roped you into going to this event as my date," she looked apologetic as Jungkook put the dishes down and turned off the water to turn to look at her.

"No, let me help," she insisted as she turned the water back on and started soaping the dishes.

"You rinse?"

Jungkook nodded as he stepped to the side to allow enough room for her to stand beside him at the sink.

"I know you probably don't want to go, I'm sure you've got other things you'd rather be doing, so if you'd like I can ask them to let me take somebody el-"

"No, Y/n-ssi. I'd be honored to go and represent BTS," Jungkook interrupted.

More importantly, I'd be honored to go as your date.

He saw her falter and smile gently.

"Jiwoo is going to be on a mission with my schedule, so I'm sorry in advance for her craziness," Y/n apologized.

"It's okay, I'm definitely used to crazy schedules," Jungkook smiled.

"She sat me down with an itinerary, Jungkook, you don't know!" Y/n exasperated.

"Today is the 14th, the award ceremony is on the 31st. I have to do a photoshoot for an interview on the 21st, then the interview that day as well. We have to find our outfits by the 18th or else Jiwoo will lose her mind. On top of that, we have to film our first VLIVE in two days, on the 16th, and we also have to film the teasers tomorrow," Y/n rattled off and she scrubbed a dish so furiously that the sponge flew out of her tight grasp and got soap on her hair.

Jungkook couldn't help but laugh as he grabbed a towel to wipe the suds off her hair. This was most likely why she didn't ever choose to be an idol.

"I feel like you're overwhelmed, Y/n," he surmised.

She handed him a plate after he put the towel down and looked at him with pleading, puppy eyes.

"Can you tell? I wasn't really cut out for all this filming, the interviews, and besides- shopping gives me a headache," she pouted.

"It's not that I can't handle it, but I just prefer a simpler life. I guess associating my brand with BTS isn't going to make for a very simple life, but that's something I'm adjusting to as I go. I'm just feeling the pressure of the spotlight-" Y/n paused.

"Sorry, I'm just dumping my feelings on you, I don't mean to do that," she apologized.

"It's okay. If you ever get nervous, I'll be here when we're working together to help. We'll figure it out and make this as painless as possible. I know it seems like a lot, but I've been through tighter schedules than even that," Jungkook explained.

"We'll do this together," he smiled.

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