part 11

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Gossip sites online? Highly publicized? How do I look without feeling creepy? Why do I even care to know about it? I'm sure Taehyung or Jimin will be nosy enough to want to look later today... I'll just wait.

Jungkook watched as PD nim stood up to change to subject, thank Y/n for her time today, and ended the meeting as he had other business to attend to.

"Y/n, I do have to say, I have been a friend of your father's for a while now. It has been a pleasure to watch you grow up and to have you work with, essentially, my own sons," PD nim rested his hand on her shoulder before he left.

"Thank you, PD nim," Y/n bowed.

"No, please, just uncle is fine," he insisted.

Y/n nodded and smiled at Bang PD and waved at him as he left.

All of the guys, Y/n, and Jiwoo lingered behind, as well as Y/n's secretary who had arrived with her coat.

"Thank you. I won't need your assistance for the rest of the day. I'll be sure to give you a heads up if I do. Please, take the rest of the day off," Y/n smiled at her secretary.

The secretary seemed flustered, bowed, and was grateful as he very quickly left the building.

"What was that all about, Y/n?" Jiwoo asked

"It's his first day as my secretary, he was very nervous to be not only in my presence but in the presence of 7 idols and a great director, so I figured he had been overwhelmed enough in one day," Y/n laughed. "Plus, if there is anything important I need him to take care of, then he will if I ask. However, today is just a relaxing day for me. I've attended all my meetings- so now I have to ask if all of you would like to eat with me?"

Seokjin stood up from his seat and pointed at Y/n.

"Y/n! I want to eat something that you cook so I can compare my prowess," he proclaimed.

Y/n laughed in a way that gave Jungkook that chest tightness again.

"I'd love to cook for you guys. It's the least I can do if I am staying at your home. I'm a strict cook, however. Half of you will need to come with me to get ingredients and the other half of you will be given the responsibility of setting up the table at the house. It's all participation."

Jungkook suddenly remembered IU wanting to see him. He pulled out his phone really quickly.



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Jungkook looked up from his phone to be met face to face (well.. chest to face, even in her heels) with Y/n.

"Do you want to go to the store with me, Yoongi, Taehyung, and Seokjin? Or do you want to go to the house to set up the table and clean the kitchen with Namjoon, Jiwoo, Jimin, and Hoseok? You're the 9th person here."

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