part 53

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As she walked through the doors with Jiwoo, everybody around Jungkook jumped up and exclaimed a 'congratulations' towards the star of the evening.

Jungkook couldn't help but smile seeing her in the dress that he had picked out. He was really worried that she might reject the gift if she knew that he had picked it out, even though it was a gift from all of them, so he asked Jiwoo not to tell her.

Their eyes met for what felt like an eternity as she stood there in surprise in front of all her friends and family.

"Thank you guys for coming, I really didn't expect any of this, Taehyung!" She laughed as she eyed him suspiciously. 

"You guys are all invited to the concert tomorrow too, Y/n's going to be singing with me and Jimin," Taehyung winked at her as her mouth gaped open in shock. 

Hopefully everything goes according to plan. 

Everybody around Jungkook was starting to go to their tables to sit down and order food to eat, but he couldn't take his eyes off of Y/n, who was going to say hi to her parents and PD nim.

He wanted to say something first but was paralyzed and, honestly, just nervous. It felt like he was seeing her for the first time again. He was still standing there like an idiot holding the flowers he brought for her. Luckily for him, Y/n approached him first.

Unfortunately for him, she didn't say anything. The silence between them was deafening to Jungkook, even amidst all the boisterous celebration going on around them already.

I have to say something. I can't just look like an idiot in front of her. 

Jungkook knew this was his last chance to keep the door open with Y/n. He had missed the dinner at her restaurant, he missed the award ceremony, he missed being her date. 

Most importantly, he just missed her and he had to make it right.

"Congratulations again, Y/n," Jungkook managed to get out as he handed her the flowers clumsily. They fumbled out of his hand during the exchange, but she managed to catch them still. They had long since broken eye contact and Jungkook wasn't about to lose his courage, so he continued.

"I'm sorry, for everything. For not being there, even though you were there for me."

He could feel the burning sensation of tears building up and quickly went to go sit down after finishing what he was saying to her. He felt selfish and rude, and mostly remorseful that he handled the situation poorly. Things were different now, though. He was absolutely sure about how he felt about Y/n, and he knew now that she liked him too. 

He hoped she still felt that way, and if not, he hoped he could have a chance to change her mind.

As he sat down, he noticed Y/n admiring the flowers he picked out. Jungkook smiled to himself. He felt satisfied that he could at least do that one thing right.

"Y/n, finally, we were wondering when you'd join us," Jin exclaimed as he was already flipping meat on the grill at the table.

Sitting at the table made Jungkook nostalgic for a time that wasn't even that long ago, when he first met Y/n and she was cooking lunch for them the day they formally met. Despite it being a mixed bag of feelings because he also saw IU that day, it was a happy memory because Y/n was there. That  day was the beginning of a new chapter that Jungkook hadn't anticipated.

He couldn't stop staring at Y/n throughout the dinner and was mostly occupied in his thoughts and anxiety about the next day. He hoped that Y/n wouldn't reject Taehyung's idea, and that she would show up. What was most important was that she just went along with it.

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