part 10

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"Y/n, do you have a boyfriend?"

The question caught me off guard and I laughed nervously.

There's no point in lying. You could search for my name on the internet and quickly read the whole story. I might as well let them hear it from me.

"Ah, I don't. Actually, I think most people assume I will be a spinster by now since I'm 26 and haven't dated in years. I was engaged many years ago, but have been single for the last few years after that broke off. I guess the person I am and the way I lead my life was intimidating to him and his ego, so it just didn't end up working and I have focused on my career and myself ever since. You don't have to worry about being 'too much' if there's nobody telling you what you can and can't be."

I smiled at them to, hopefully, put them at ease after being lectured for even asking.

Of course I get asked this question after seeing his name for the first time in years.

Taehyung seemed flustered that he had even asked.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ask something so sensitive. You're just so pretty I thought there was no way you didn't have one."

"Ah, it's okay Taehyung! I just thought to tell you since my life is already highly publicized, especially that relationship in particular, so it was better for you all to hear about me, from me, instead of gossip sites online," I explained.

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