part 42

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Hyung left with Y/n. What could they possibly need to go do, just the two of them? Why didn't any of them invite the rest of us? Why didn't Y/n.. ask me?

It was hard to hide his disdain as Y/n walked out the front door with his hyung. She had worn a pink sweater. He really like it when she wore pink. And he wanted to go see her restaurant. He wanted to go run errands with her. Jungkook couldn't help but feel jealous.

Now that the fire had been lit, he couldn't stop it. He wanted to spend all of the trivial moments with her.

"Kookie, are you even here?" Jimin asked.

"Of course he's not. He's wishing he was wherever Y/n is," Taehyung joked.

Mostly true.

"You know, I'm genuinely surprised you were able to keep it in your pants when she came out in that green dress earlier," Taehyung mused casually.

"Tae, you're so bad," Jimin gasped while playfully punching him on the shoulder.

Jungkook could feel a flush start from his ears as he remembered that dress Y/n tried on. If that slit had been any higher, he'd have been in trouble for sure.

"You guys are ridiculous," he said as he got up to go to his room.

He groaned to himself as he walked over to his bed to punch one of his pillows in frustration and then flop onto the bed face first.

And here she's out with Yoongi hyung.

He turned around to stare at the ceiling as he sighed.

"This is stupid," he whispered to himself.

After enough time of just lying there, pouting and staring at the ceiling, Jungkook fell asleep for a short time.

"Jungkook!" Y/n calls as she waves at me from across a small, quiet street.

It's the heat of the summer and she's wearing a white sun dress that glows against her sun-kissed skin.

"Y/n," I respond with a smile as I extend my hand out to her as she crosses the few short steps to me.

"Ready for our date?" She asks as she eagerly interlaces her fingers with mine.

"Of course," I respond. "I've been ready."

"And I've been waiting for you to finally ask,"  she giggled to herself.

"I can't believe it took me so long either," I laugh back.

Suddenly we're at a summer food festival, wrapped up in the various aromas in the air from all the food trucks and stands.

"This is amazing!" She exclaims as she lets go of my arm to walk a little bit ahead, taking in all the options. 

I knew she would love something like this. She looks like a kid at a candy shop. 

I smile to myself as I quicken my pace to catch up with her.

As I do, she throws her arms around my neck in excitement, pulling me down to her height as she presses a gentle kiss on my lips, taking me by surprise.

"Thank you for bringing me here, Jungkook," she whispers in my ear.

"Jungkook, did you fall asleep?" Namjoon asked, as Jungkook's eyes popped open and he woke up in a panic.

He sighed when he realized it was all just a dream. It felt like he had been asleep for hours.

"I guess I did. Is it still daytime? Is Yoongi back?" Jungkook asked as he got out of bed and quickly began to leave his room, causing Namjoon to trail behind him.

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