part 20

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He saw her hand move towards him and before he knew it she was moving the hair out of his face and her tiny, gentle hands brushed softly across his cheek as she pulled her hand down. It was an almost thoughtless gesture, but it made his heart stop almost.

"Y-yeah, Y/n. I'll go wake them up, you can go take care of whatever you need to," he muttered as he quickly shuffled past her, leaving her in the doorway to barge into Namjoon's room.

Jungkook didn't even bother knocking, he just opened the door and walked straight to Namjoon's bed and jostled him by both shoulders in a whispered frenzy.

"H-hyung," he sounded distraught almost.

"J-Jungkook? What time is it? It's still so early, how are you awake?"

"Y-Y/n-ssi came knocking on my door this morning a-and... asked me to wake you all up," he admitted.

Namjoon chuckled.

"I feel like this is going to be trouble for our maknae," Namjoon stated as he got up out of bed and stretched out.

Trouble is all Jungkook could smell, especially with the proximity they were living and working together.

Or maybe it was the smell of breakfast that Y/n was making?

"Just go wake up the others, I'm going to get ready," Namjoon instructed.

Jungkook nodded and went to go awaken everybody else.

Once Jungkook had at least managed to jostle everybody awake, he went to the kitchen where Y/n was.

Y/n was dressed with her straight hair in a high ponytail, with a white t-shirt, black leggings, and no makeup since they were due to get their makeup done later.

She saw Taehyung peek into the kitchen and she waved him in.

"Good morning, Taehyung!" She smiled at him as she flipped some eggs.

Her smile is so exuberant.

"This is what they call an American breakfast: pancakes, toast, eggs, bacon, fruit- an American spread," she explained as she dumped the eggs from her pan to a platter that everybody could pick from.

"Ah, Y/n- you're so cute. An American breakfast? Did you eat those a lot in America?" Taehyung inquired.

Jungkook scowled a little when Taehyung called her cute.

"I hardly eat breakfast, I usually go straight to work and eat lunch when it's time, but it's only polite to feed the people whose home I'm in," she admitted.

"We do have to go in a hurry, we need to be out of here by 8 so we can travel to the location, get hair and makeup done, get into outfits, and do some filming," Jiwoo exclaimed as she walked into the kitchen, fully dressed and done up for the day.

"I don't have a hair and makeup crew like you guys do, so I have to just take care of myself," she pouted as she ate some of the fresh fruit that Y/n had cleaned, cut, and set out.

The whole crew eventually came out to eat and everybody was tired, but ready to go to the set.

Jungkook couldn't help but continuously replay the moment when Y/n had brushed his hair out of his face and neither could Y/n.

Y/n was running around making sure everybody had a plate with enough to eat and then she disappeared to go put her shoes on.

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