part 30

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Jungkook felt Y/n's hand brush his hair out of his face and the bed shifted like she was leaving. Half asleep, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her back onto the bed. He didn't want to be alone right now, she was right. As much as he wanted to, he actually didn't want to be alone.

"Don't go," he whispered coarsely, "Nothing will happen, I promise, but will you lay here with me?"

He didn't know what overcame him to say that, but he knew he wasn't in a right mind to care. Y/n sat there in silence, her wrist still in Jungkook's grasp, which she quickly pulls away.

Why did I have to go and say that? I should have just let her go. This is awkward and embarrassing now. It's already 3 AM, I should let her go to sleep.

Y/n got up and turned to face him, still in her long, fluffy robe. She quickly discards it to reveal more comfortable pajamas and then she speaks, barely above a whisper.

 She quickly discards it to reveal more comfortable pajamas and then she speaks, barely above a whisper

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"Scoot over, then. And don't look at me funny, I can't sleep in my robe," she says as she crawls onto Jungkook's bed after he moved over, both of them still laying on top of his blankets.

Y/n curled up in a ball and was laying on her side, facing Jungkook.

"Thank you, Y/n," he whispered. He could barely make out her face in the glow of his dark screensavers on his desktop. He was too lazy to go turn them off. She smiled softly and reached out and pat his head gently.

"Try to sleep well, Jungkook-ssi, don't worry about tomorrow," she yawned as she pulled the blanket up tighter to her face.

Very quickly they both fell asleep, facing each other.


(Time skip to only a few hours later.. like 5 or 6 AM)

Jungkook was woken up by the sounds of Jimin and Taehyung rustling around his room.

He opened his eyes only to see Y/n's back to him on the bed and his arm laying on top of her body... making it look like they were spooning.

He jolted up and separated himself from Y/n, who was still fast asleep.

Oh thank god she didn't wake up. I guess I ended up just cuddling her in our sleep out of habit.. with IU.. this was such a bad idea, I can't believe I asked her to do that.

His eyes jumped to his two youngest hyungs who were staring at him with huge eyes going from him to Y/n and Y/n to him, and finally to each other.

Jungkook carefully removed himself from the bed without disturbing her and was pulled out of the dark room by Jimin and Taehyung and into the hallway where there was way more light coming in than Jungkook wanted or needed. He shut the door quietly behind him so they didn't disturb Y/n.

"I don't even know what to address first," Jimin sighed as he rubbed his temples.

"Clearly the most important: PD nim has cancelled all filming today so we can just relax," Taehyung chimed in.

"Besides that... we saw the news, Jungkook... are you okay?" Jimin asked.

Before Jungkook could answer Taehyung chuckled softly.

"He's only been single for maybe a few hours and he already has a beautiful girl in his bed, how do you think he's doing?" Taehyung teases.

Jungkook punches him lightly on the arm.

"It's not like that, Y/n's not like that, you know I'm not like that.. apparently IU is," he solemnly states with his head down.

Jimin comes in to hug him and Tae joins in.

They hear the door click open behind them and Y/n peeks out half asleep.

"I'm too tired to even explain right now," she says as she retreats back to his room and shuts the door.

Jungkook blushes a bit and chuckles at her forward ness.

How the hell is she going to go back to sleep in my bed after seeing everybody awake??

"All I really want right now is to be left alone," Jungkook started.

"With Y/n," Taehyung chimed in again.

"Alone with Y/n," Jimin repeated.

Jungkook's expression went blank.

"Whatever, just... don't say anything to anybody and just... tell them to leave me alone today," he asked.

"Thank you for coming to check on me," he thanked as he also retreated back into his bedroom and shut the door behind him.

Y/n managed to crawl under both sets of blankets they had put on his bed. He laughed to himself as he pulled off the pink comforter and tossed it onto the futon.

You'll overheat like that. Silly.

Jungkook crawled carefully back into bed next to Y/n, making sure there was enough space between them this time, and putting an extra pillow there to make sure. He wasn't about to get caught in the same position as last time. He would have been mortified if she had woken up.

He got comfortable and quickly fell asleep listening to the soft breathing coming from Y/n.

Sleep came easy to him once he wasn't sleeping alone anymore.

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