part 37

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IU's plane landed in New York.

She turned her phone back on and continued to stare out the plane window with glossy eyes.

Her phone vibrated in her hand and she couldn't help but wish that it was Jungkook texting her, asking her to come back and be with him. She wanted him to fight with her about even going to America.

She opened her phone.

It was Matthew.

He was texting to let her know he was already here to pick her up and to text him back when she landed. She felt bad that she was a little bit disappointed, even though she had fully made the decision to come here and be with him.

He made her happy, but she couldn't help but feel bittersweet about Jungkook. Not to mention the fact that they hadn't officially broken up yet.

I'll do it soon...

Soon it was time for IU to get off the plane. She grabbed her bag and pulled her face mask on. Once she got to the pickup area, Matthew was waiting for her with flowers and a smile on his face. IU kept her head low as she went to greet him.

"Ji-eun, how was the flight?" He asked as he hugged her tightly and kissed her on the lips.

"Hey, Matt, it was fine, just really long. Let's get to the car?" She asked.

He nodded and took her hand as he led the way. Out of the corner of her eye, IU thought she saw a flash. She was a little bit paranoid, but tried to shrug it off. There was no reason to be worried, she thought to herself. Nobody knew she was here, as far as she knew.


They got to Matthew's loft apartment where he had candles and flowers waiting for her as a surprise. On his dining table he had champagne and chocolate covered strawberries and a bag from Cartier.

"Oh, Matt, you shouldn't have," IU blushed. She felt a little bit uncomfortable because she didn't break up with Jungkook yet, and Matt probably assumed that she had. That's why she flew all the way out here, right?

"Ji-eun, I love you. This is nothing, I can't wait to be able to start the rest of our lives together," he locked her in an embrace and then pulled her towards the dining table so he could open the champagne.

Before he did, he pulled her in for a tender kiss.

"Welcome home, babe."

As she closed her eyes for the kiss, all she could see and imagine was Jungkook.

Tears began to stream down her face.


"Ji-eun, are you crying? It's okay, I promise it wasn't that much. You deserve even more than this-"

"Matthew.. I didn't break up with Jungkook."


After hours of fighting about it, IU was exhausted. She had booked a hotel room and left after seeing how upset it made him and how neither of them could calm down about it.

She didn't blame him. They had met during one of the times she and Jungkook had previously broken up. He spent the last couple of months on the fence about their relationship already because she was still with Jungkook, but had decided he really loved her and wanted to be with her regardless. She had promised him that she would end things with Jungkook and move to New York to be with him.

Here she was in New York to be with him, but she still hadn't ended things with Jungkook.

He was justifiably hurt.

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