part 15

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I led the way as everybody followed me to the massive living room with 3 lounging sofas in a U-shape. We quickly abandoned the dinner table as we could feel the sense of urgency and excitement that came with the email.

I quickly seated myself where everybody could hear me. I sat in the middle of the middle sofa, Jiwoo to my left, Jungkook seated himself to my right. Everybody else was sitting on the fluffy rug on the floor looking at me like kids at show and tell.


Director's Letter to Min Y/n:

Min Y/n,

It is our honor here at the James Beard Foundation to invite you to the James Beard Award Ceremony hosted in Seoul, South Korea, this year dated January 31, 20XX.

The Foundation has watched your achievements and growth over the past year and would like to not only invite you to attend, but to also nominate you for a few categories:

- Rising Star Chef of the Year

- New Restaurant

- Humanitarian of the Year

On top of these nominations, The Foundation would like to formally request you and a selected team of your choice representing your restaurant cook the dinner for the reception after the ceremony.

Included in this email is an attachment that will have all the information needed to allow us to accommodate you and your team, from hotels, transportation, and flights.

Additionally, a single (1) plus one will be offered to everybody on your team, including yourself.

We look forward to hearing from you, discussing your menu, and setting this up.

Our offices will be contacting you to do some PR, photos, and interviews for the awards ceremony in approximately a week.

Thank you again for all you do in the culinary world.




Tears had begun to well in my eyes as I finished reading the email. Before I could even speak up again, Jiwoo had already grabbed me and locked me in an embrace. Once the shock was over, I relaxed into the hug, nearly collapsing onto the floor from the sofa as I burst into tears of joy and excitement.

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