the final

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As the song was coming to an end, so was the rush as I knew I was about to be done performing. Or at least I thought. From the earpiece I could hear that I was being called down for an outfit change, and as far as I was aware, I wouldn't be needing one.

What could it be for?

I didn't want to hold up the production crew so I just nervously went along with it as the song ended, anxiously being ushered down to the dressing room by some of the crew. In the hurry to get her downstairs to the changing area, she lost sight of Tae and Jimin, and had no idea where anybody else was.

I had no idea what was going on, and the nerves I felt were back- alongside the butterflies when I saw the outfit they intended to put me in. If my gut instinct was right, based off the first dress he picked out, Jungkook definitely had picked out this one too.

On the stage above me, I could hear them looping the beat to "Make It Right" but I couldn't make sense of what was going on still as they finished my hair and makeup and rushed me on stage before it started.

The bright lights of the stadium when I arrived glowed bright pink and when my eyes finally adjusted, I saw that BTS dressed in white was waiting for me at the end of the walkway.

Everyone but Jungkook.

Before I could show my confusion, Jimin and Taehyung were suddenly beside me and leading me down to a seating area so beautiful that tears began to well up in my eyes.

Is this why he has been hiding from me this whole time?

At that thought, it was hard to be upset or confused as to why he hadn't been here.

That shy, bunny boy.

I smiled to myself as I approached the pink sofa and sat down, confused as to why our back was to the audience.

I turned to the guys with teary eyes and a smile. "What is going on?"

Without a word, they just pointed at the screens in front of us, where a GCF had been playing, but it was the trip to Busan that he and I had taken when we had first met.

Namjoon sat next to me and whispered in my ear, "He's not very good with words all the time, but he really means it when he makes a statement."

"Well, he sure as hell knows how to make a statement," I say through tears and a blushing face because I realize that he did all of this for me. The stage set up, the ocean of pink lights, the GCF. The only thing missing at this point was him.

The video and the song were coming to an end, but Jungkook was still nowhere to be found.

It might have been foolish to assume or hope that he might just walk out on stage like a normal person with a bouquet of flowers, but I did. What I didn't expect was that it would be even better than that.

A light tap on my shoulder from Hoseok urged me to turn around and look out into the sea of ARMY light sticks. Everyone in the audience was holding a bouquet of flowers as Jungkook's "Euphoria" began playing.

I smiled to myself as I knew exactly what this meant.

Of course he'd never just walk in.

"He was always meant to fly," I whispered to myself.

As I watched him begin singing and flying in, holding only onto what felt like a thread, I knew exactly at that moment that I had chosen correctly. That I had picked someone who cared.

That I had fallen in love with the silly, bunny boy who cared.

I stood up as he got closer to the stage, so focused on him that I didn't notice the rest of the guys taking their leave. I ruffled my dress anxiously as I waited, and when we finally made eye contact, I felt like my heart was going to burst.

As he step foot on the platform, a swarm of crew went to release him from the harness so he could approach me, and time seemed to move painfully slow.

Every step he took towards me felt like minutes taken instead of the seconds that it actually was.

"Y/n," he started, but I cut him off as tears start to stream down my face uncontrollably.

His eyes grow wide and he takes my face in his hands to look into mine.

"Y/n, I didn't know how else to tell you how I feel about you so I-"

"Then why don't you just tell me now," I interrupt as he gently wipes the tears off my face. He suddenly looks dumbfounded, like he couldn't believe he didn't think to do the easiest thing in the world.

He smiles his bunny smile and I can't help but laugh at how unnecessary this entire grand gesture was, but my heart was warm with how much thought he had put into it. Just when I thought it couldn't be sweeter, Jungkook had outdone himself.

"I'm in love with you, Y/n, and I'm sorry it took me so long to realize it and that it took me so long to tell you once I did," he stated clearly as he looked into my eyes.

I could feel a warm flush rising into my cheeks as the words sunk in. His hands dropped from my face and grabbed onto my hands, and suddenly I realized he was waiting for a response.

Flustered, and remembering we were standing in front of a huge audience and still connected to our mics, I manage to blurt out, "I'm in love with you too."

After the words are out, the relief washes over my body and it's just the two of us again. He places my hands around his shoulders and holds my waist tight as he looks at me.

I muster the courage to look at him in his eyes, only to see that he's coming closer and closer. At first, it's an embrace. One where it feels like he's not going to let go.

"All of those flowers are for you, by the way," he whispers in my ear during our hug.

As he pulls away, he hesitates before leaning in to kiss me.

I can hear the audience screaming with excitement, but it's all a blur as I'm trying to take in the way that he smells and the way his lips feels with the rush of the lights and the energy of the stage and audience.

The life of an idol, I guess.

Jungkook pulls away, with a devious smile on his face. If he was nervous at all, he certainly didn't seem like it to me.

He speaks boldly into his mic, with purpose this time, and holds one of my hands as he faces the audience.

"ARMY, do you think Y/n should be my girlfriend?" He asked cheekily and smiled at me. He was met with resounding screams of yes and then shrugged his shoulders at me, as if to say that the audience had spoken. I smiled back just as deviously as I adjusted my own mic to ask the audience a question.

"ARMY, do you think Jungkook should ask me first?" I was met with screams of yes and laughter as they enjoyed my teasing of Jungkook.

He wasted no time and took both my hands again. "Will you be my girlfriend, Y/n?"

Despite it all, the words still made my heart skip a beat.

"That's all you needed to do, you know. Of course I will. And ARMY, you can keep those flowers. Consider it a gift from us to you," I smiled as Jungkook began leading me to the very end of the stage where we could bow in front of the fans and say goodbye.

He detached his mic from his ear and leaned into mine to whisper one last thing, just between us.

"Girlfriend is just the first step. One day, you'll be my wife."


I hope you guys enjoyed reading this. Sorry that it took me so long to finish it!

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