part 45

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Once they got back to the house, Y/n and them barged through the front door with all of the groceries in tow, and it was a lot. Yoongi and Seokjin were tired while Taehyung was invigorated.

"Ah, you guys, I think Y/n is my dream woman. The way she bossed Jin and Yoongi hyung around- she's a woman to be messed with!" Taehyung laughed as he snuck past Yoongi and Jin to bring groceries to the kitchen.

"Taehyung-oppa, I really feel like I went easy on you guys. Normally my crew is expected to know my standards of everything and expected to shop on their own! All I did was make you guys carry everything," Y/n proclaimed.

"Hopefully this meal restores all of the calories we burned following you around, Y/n," Yoongi groaned.

Y/n suddenly laughs and grabs onto Yoongi's arm tenderly.

Yoongi turns red as Y/n explains that her food will fix everything and more.

"I promise," she winks as she headed to the kitchen, still in her coat and heels.

After he helped bring the groceries into the kitchen, Yoongi snuck away to his room to decompress.
Once in his room, Yoongi opened up his laptop to check his emails.

He had received one from one of the managers at Source. His heart almost stopped.


We decided it would be fair to let all of the girls try singing the sample that you wanted. We've attach the audio files to this email. Once you decide which vocalist you want, we can move forward with a high quality studio recording.

Thanks for considering our girls as a vocalist on your track!

Look forward to hearing from you again.

Manager Meji

As promised, there were six individual attachments and one of them had her name on them. He wondered if she knew or if the manager told them it was his song.

I'm stupid. Of course they did, but they probably didn't let any of them pass on the opportunity. Would I feel stupid if I asked for her specifically? Yeah. Am I going to? Probably. I'll just give her a chance to say no. I'll have a back up.

He quickly picked her sample without a second thought (or listening to it) and listened to the rest of the band members vocals. He quickly picked Eunha's vocal sample as his back up in case his ex decided she wouldn't do it.

Yoongi quickly responded to the manager in fear that he, himself, might get nervous and change his mind.

Manager Meji,

I'd personally like the vocals that I've attached back in the file. However, if for any reason she doesn't want to do the track, I would also accept Eunha's vocals as well.

Thank you for your time.

Min Yoongi

He hit send and immediately tossed his laptop out of his lap and onto his bed and left his room to join everybody else so that he could forget about what he just did.


Yoongi made his way to the kitchen and opened a bottle of wine to start drinking. It wouldn't solve his problems but it could certainly make him forget his decisions. He stood there with Taehyung and Y/n, perusing his glass as he quickly downed it.

"Those two have been in there a while, do you think they're doing it?" Taehyung asked bluntly.

Yoongi choked on the wine he was drinking at Taehyung's comment.

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