part 9

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"Jungkook-ah, wake up, we have a meeting to go to in half an hour, Kookie," Jimin called out as he ripped the blanket off of Jungkook.

Jungkook felt the quick breeze from the blanket being ripped off before he disgruntledly rolled out of bed.

"A meeting for what?" He groaned, but Jimin had already fled the room, so he just got up to get ready instead of protesting.


8:40 AM


Jungkook was dressed and waiting by the front door for the rest of his hyungs. Dressed in head to toe black. Black boots, black sweats, black long sleeve shirt, black coat, black face mask. They had been asking him to cut his hair for a while but gave up when they came to an agreement that it can never be longer than past his nose. It was good enough for him. It allowed him to show off his jawline he knew ARMY loved so much.

"Alright, let's go." Namjoon led the group to the chauffeured SUV and soon they were on their way to the offices of PD nim.


When they got to the offices, PD nim was there to greet them as they were sitting down in the meeting room.

"Hello gentlemen! I'm glad you could join me today. Not that you have a choice, but anyway.. I've called a meeting to formally introduce you to our guest feature on your VLIVE as well as the head chef and owner of a new Korean restaurant that will feature a 7-course meal inspired by the 7 members of BTS."

"She is running a little behind, she has been in meetings since 7 AM, but I'll introduce the formalities, as she doesn't like to feel boasted about in person. She is an international chef and has really put Korean food on the map around the world. Her father is a hotel mogul that I am actually personally friends with, and her mother is a former model as well as a humanitarian. She spent a lot of time in America growing up, making a name for herself outside of her family, and she is very adventurous and athletic aside from being a talented singer as well."

As if on cue, the door swings open just barely after PD nim finishes his statement and a male secretary announces the arrival of Ms. Min Y/n.

It feels as if time slows down because Jungkook was certain he was watching her walk into the room in slow motion. Her hair was flowing behind her as she walked in with confidence and her heels clicking. The fresh flush on her face from being outside in the cold. The glisten in her eyes and the sweetness in her smile as she apologized for being late.

"I'm sorry everybody, my meeting with my builders ran over a tiny bit." She bowed.

PD nim stood up and told her she didn't need to apologize, that they understood she was very busy with the preparations of the new restaurant.

"Ah, yes, about that. We're closer to completion than expected. It will most likely be done by the end of the week. With that being said, before we start our meeting, I'd like to formally invite you all to my own little company dinner before we start opening to the public."

Utterances of "yes" and "of course" were excitedly scattered throughout the room.

Jungkook was still in shock. The woman that stood before him last night was so sweet and small. It was crazy to him that they were somehow the same person. The woman yesterday looked so little and tired, but this one today is full of confidence and sexual appeal and professionalism.

"Okay, onto the meeting! Chef, please introduce yourself!" PD nim bellowed, as Y/n stood at the head of the table with everybody's eyes on her.

"Well, as the secretary announced, I am Min Y/n. I am a professional chef. America has been my home for years now, but I am ready to open my final restaurant in Seoul and to have a 7 course menu dedicated to BTS alongside my own dedicated, seasonal menu. When I was approached by Jiwoo about this project from your director, I was absolutely moved to work with you guys. I was also ready to come home to South Korea, so this project was just absolutely perfect for my homecoming. What better way to make my comeback to Seoul than with the boy band that has become the pride and joy of South Korea? Your director knows you guys very well, and with his help I have created a menu that embodies each of you individually as well as a whole. I hope that at our company dinner we can manage to impress you all."

Jungkook noticed that Yoongi was staring very intensely at Y/n. She was 3 years younger than him. Could it be that he found her to be attractive? A blind man could see that, though. She was a woman of such power at her young age, even then she was only older than him by just a year. Jungkook's mind was in a flurry.

"Aside from my restaurant, PD nim here has asked that I do a series of fun VLIVE with you guys! I have lots of fun things planned with your crew and with you guys, so I hope to be able to introduce you guys to new adventures in our future endeavors together. The plan is to start filming for the VLIVE within the next few days and I hope that we can have an enjoyable time together for the next 6 months! Your director is hoping for a few videos a month, but I told him we shouldn't be too hard on you guys. I hope we all can work well together!"

Y/n finished her (what felt like) presentation to PD nim and BTS, with Jiwoo clapping for her when she finished.

PD nim motioned with his eyes towards Namjoon, who quickly stood up to speak as if he had been waiting for this whole time.

"Y/n, we are very excited to work with you. It isn't everyday we meet somebody who is as talented as our golden maknae here," he smiled with his eyes as he gestured towards Jungkook, who has been rendered speechless but was trying to keep his cool.

His phone vibrating in his pocket snapped him back into reality. The attention was off him and had moved onto Jin asking questions that Jungkook had tuned out because he was focused on his phone.



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Somehow, Jungkook entered reality again right as Taehyung was asking an interesting question.

"Y/n, do you have a boyfriend?"

The room falls silent and Jiwoo stands up in a frenzy and starts lecturing Taehyung how about he "can't just ask a lady that" so nonchalantly.

Y/n laughs, but Jungkook can tell the question makes her anxious. Regardless, her answer is sincere and her body language shows she was telling the truth.

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