part 18

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It felt like their eyes were locked forever.

Together. I wish I could freeze this moment in time. Agh. This is terrible. I have a girlfriend. A girlfriend that I don't even know when I'll see next. Of course, this is my life.

Unfortunately, the dishes were done before Jungkook could magically learn how to freeze time, and Jin, Jimin, and Taehyung could be heard coming down the stairs and towards the kitchen for snacks.

They spent the rest of their day getting to know each other, with Jungkook and Y/n now sharing a private bond. They spent time as a group hanging out and getting comfortable, discussing what their first VLIVE was going to be.

They all gathered around the coffee table in the living room, opting to sit on the floor instead of the sofas once again.

"So PD nim has already decided on the first video we are to be filming soon. We're going to be baking and decorating cakes, so tomorrow we will be filming teasers for the app as well as photos! We're going to be up early tomorrow for makeup and outfits, get the photos out of the way, then do some fun videos!" Y/n exclaimed excitedly.

Everybody had already gotten relaxed and dressed for the evening. It seemed as though everybody was deciding to stay at the house tonight.

Jungkook noticed that Y/n once again looked so sweet and tiny in her pajamas and bare face, with her hair in a cute ponytail.

I need to stop. I can't let this get out of hand.

Her excitement was adorable, and he just couldn't help liking her.

"On that note, I know it's early, but I have to get to bed, you guys. Thank you for such a wonderful first day here. Goodnight!" Y/n thanked them as she bowed, got up and walked to her room.

As soon as she was out of hearing distance, Jimin jumped into the middle of the group and whispered to the guys as he pulled out his phone.

"I looked up Y/n-ssi on Naver! She wasn't lying when she said that her life was publicized. Her father is a 7th generation chaebol, her mother is beautiful and a humanitarian. She is an only child. Even her relationship where she was engaged is online," he explained.

"Aigoo, you guys can't even get to know her like a normal person?!" Namjoon sighed.

"I'm going to bed," Yoongi uttered as he got up and left.

Jin, Namjoon, and Hoseok followed behind him.

Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook were left being gossip mongers in the living room.

"Jungkook-ah, what happened when IU was here?" Jimin asked.

Oh. IU.

"She.. she was coming to say goodbye for a while. She's going to America. Probably on her way there as I speak," Jungkook explained.

"Are you guys broken up?" Taehyung inquired.

"N-no. We're still together," he admitted feebly.

"That's concerning. Especially with the way I see you look at Y/n," Jimin boasted casually.

"What are you talking about?" Jungkook snapped back.

"It's okay, Jungkook, I feel the same way. She's just so beautiful. Jimin, tell me more about this ex of hers so I can see if he even compares," Taehyung diverted.

"Well, their families were friends since they were 12, they began dating when they were 18, they were engaged by 22, and broken up by then as well. It was a really nasty breakup... actually. Now I feel bad for knowing all about it. It must have been a terrible time for her," Jimin suddenly looked down at his phone with remorse.

"Well, it's too late now you idiot. Now you have to finish the story!" Taehyung pouted.

"Fine.. but you didn't hear it from me. She was at an award show with him, one of her first for her culinary contributions, and he got really drunk and started to act belligerent. It was all over the tabloids. Her drunk boyfriend told her off on a night that was supposed to be a special night for her. Aish, there's even a video..." Jimin's sentence petered off.

As if stuck in a trance, the guys watched the video as quietly as they could. They saw Y/n, walking quickly to leave the building and to her vehicle, covering her face as tears streamed down, while her drunk ex-fiance walked behind her, yelling at her that she didn't deserve the award or even need to do anything other than be a pretty face as his wife. Asking why she felt the need to achieve anything other than being by his side. Treating her like she was an object, and not an individual with wants and desires and dreams.

Jungkook quickly clicked the screen off on Jimin's phone. He couldn't watch anymore.

"I'm going to go to bed," he muttered stoically before Jimin or Taehyung could say anything. He got up and quickly walked to his room, his heart pounding. He felt the adrenaline from the anger he felt watching her ex-fiance treat her like that.

That's why she doesn't bring dates to award shows. That's why she's been single for so long. She thought she knew him his whole life and then this happens. How could she trust anybody?

Jungkook laid in bed in the dark, staring at the ceiling. Sleep soon overtook him and he fell into a sweet slumber with dreams of being with Y/n.




Jungkook could hear Y/n leave her room multiple times. He debated whether or not he should get up.

If he got up before everybody else, he could spend time with her, but it might be awkward because it's just them. He was still sleepy anyway, so he closed his eyes and pulled the blanket over his head.

Then he heard a tiny, gentle knock on his door and his heart skipped a beat.

Nobody in this house knocks, or knocks that gently.

He immediately got up, disregarding the fact that he was shirtless and in shorts and opened the door to be met by Y/n.

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