part 23

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"Okay, so for this shoot, we're going to play into the fact that Namjoon is a tornado that leaves a mess in his wake. We've got some staged messes, however we're going to just let you guys do some activities and I'm sure the messes will come. If they don't, God forbid, we will create the messes ourselves. Y/n, try to refrain from getting messy yourself, because you don't have another outfit change. Joon, please refrain from making too much of a mess," the director pleaded.

Y/n and Namjoon put on pink and white aprons as they got onto the set. They were instructed to essentially start building a cake.

"Y/n-ssi, do you serve desserts like this at your restaurant?" Namjoon asked.

"Not really, I mostly focus on dinners, not dessert- but we do have dessert on the menu at the restaurant, if that's what you're worried about," Y/n teased as she started putting together the cake layers with frosting in between.

"For someone that doesn't serve cakes you seem like you know what you're doing," he joked as Y/n turned her back to get the frosting and spatula to spread the frosting.

Namjoon decided of his own volition to add a fifth layer to Y/n's already four layer cake, and as she turned around with the frosting and spatula in hand- dropping both as they both watched the cake topple over in slow motion onto the counter.

The director smiled to herself, glad that they didn't have to do anything extra other than letting Namjoon just be himself. She looked over at the photographer and got a thumbs up, indicating some good shots were taken.

The photographer had managed to capture the moment with a look of shock on both of their faces as the cake was halfway tumbled over and the frosting and spatula was falling out of Y/n's hands.

"Ah, we couldn't have staged that any better," the director applauded.

"Looks great, you guys, let's take a small break while they clean up the set for the next shoot."


Author's Note:

I was going to do little one shots with all of the members, but with my current work and school load, I'm going to skip over it this time.

Also skipping over the one shots because I may go back and write them in later, and because it will allow me to write things more relevant to the plot moving forward!

Thank you for understanding.

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